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Τετάρτη, 19 Φεβρουάριος 2020

Ανοιχτή Πρόσκληση Υποβολής Άρθρων για το περιοδικό European Politeia σχετικά με το θέμα "Η κατάσταση της Ένωσης μετά το Brexit: το διαζύγιο και η νέα σχέση"

Το περιοδικό EUROPEAN POLITEIA προσκαλεί στην υποβολή δοκιμίων για τα επόμενα τεύχη.

Τελευταία ημερομηνία υποβολής: 30 Aπριλίου 2020.

H υποβολή μιας σύντομης παρουσίασης (300 λέξεων) του δοκίμιου πρέπει να αποσταλεί μέχρι τις 20.03.2020 και να εγκριθεί από την Συντακτική Επιτροπή.


                                                   The Journal

European Politeia is a bi-annual journal of European law, public affairs and society published by the European Public Law Organization under the scientific supervision of the Greek Center of European Studies and Research (EKEME) of the EPLO.

The aim of this publication is to provide an additional forum for the ongoing debates on a broad range of issues and particularly those that transcend individual countries. It will hopefully make relevant voices from the South of Europe more accessible to a broader audience. It will be a rewarding exercise to draw from the expertise of many scholars from Greece and other countries. The publication will be open to various theoretical and political perspectives that spring from different experiences and methodological traditions. We do not intend to narrow the frame of the debates.

                                                      The Publisher

The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) is an international organization dedicated to the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the area of Public Law lato sensu and Governance, including but not limited to, inter alia, national, comparative and European public law, human rights law and environmental law and the promotion of European values for a better generation of lawyers and democratic institutions worldwide. The EPLO was established in 2007 in Athens, Greece, as the continuation of the European Public Law Center (EPLC), a non-profit institution of international character, established in 1995 under the Law of the Hellenic Republic. To this date, it has developed, organized, promoted and supported close to 200 educational, research, training, institution building and other activities and has provided assistance to democratic institutions in more than 70 countries. In order to accomplish its purposes, the EPLO promotes the cooperation with other institutions, organizations and bodies, in particular organizations in the United Nations system.




The State of the Union post-Brexit: divorce and the new relationship

Und deshalb ist der Tag morgen kein Ende, sondern er ist ein Anfang”, Ursula von der Leyen, 31.01.2020

The common project of an ever closer Union underwent a serious blow following the sovereign decision of a Member State to withdraw from the Union. While the Member States and the EU Institutions showed a remarkable degree of unity during the withdrawal negotiations and the seemingly interminable tractations of the UK Government as well as the endless debates within the House of Commons, the fact remains that EU membership as the most tangible expression of working towards a common future proved not to be irreversible.   

As in any divorce, there is inextricably a sense of loss coupled with a feeling of regained freedom, of failed and new expectations (and concerns) at the same time. What is the meaning of newly acclaimed sovereignty in a globalised and interdependent world? The main challenges that Europa faces are liable to be changed in the post-Brexit era or they are still informed by persisting common themes: immigration flows, climate change, challenges to the welfare state, the rise of unilateralism, and the failure of the EU to respond effectively to conflicts in our neighbourhood, notably in Syria, Libya, Iran?

Turning to the new phase of EU-UK relations, how exactly and under which terms the UK will become a “third party”? The divorce will be unmistakably followed by a “new relationship” shaped by shared interests and by new or renewed priorities and will be marked by new asymmetries, gaps and ad hoc regimes.

From an internal viewpoint, the divorce may also impact on the state of the union of both sides. What are the prospects for the United Kingdom faced with the sensitivities and the complexity of the Irish question and/or the aspirations of Scottish independence? On the other side of the Channel, the European Union is also faced with new questions and divisions as to its common values, the meaning of a “European way of life” to be preserved and the search of new institutional balances and policy priorities to be discussed in the forthcoming Conference on the future of Europe.


  • New institutional balances in the post-Brexit Union: Is there still room for institutional reform? Spitzenkandidaten, transnational lists and the agenda of the Conference on the future of Europe
  • The meaning and the challenges of a “European way of life”: immigration, the European Green Deal as a new social compact, the voice of the citizens and globalization
  • The contours of the “new EU-UK relationship”: free trade and level playing field, security and special partnership.
  • The negotiations and the impact of the “new relationship”: the sense of loss and unity across both sides of the Channel.
  • The impact of the “new relationship”: a still United Kingdom?



Please send your brief and (once approved) manuscript to the editor-in-chief Manolis Perakis (mperakis@law.uoa.gr).

For more information, visit the official website of the journal http://www.eplopublications.eu/europeanpoliteia.html.

Submission guidelines for authors are enclosed.

With kind regards,


Manolis Perakis



                                         INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS


1. Submission of texts

All manuscripts must be submitted in Word format as an email attachment. Communications concerning the submission of manuscripts should be sent to Mr Kostas Panselinos (kpanselinos@eplo.eu). Manuscripts to be submitted for consideration should be in one of the three most widely spoken European languages: English, French or German.

Articles should preferably be no longer than 4.000-5.000 words, including footnotes, and should be submitted together with an abstract of 100-150 words in length. If the article is written in a language other than English, then an abstract and title in English should be submitted as well. Notes should be numbered sequentially in superscript in the text outside punctuation marks and placed as footnotes included in the main text (after an initial unnumbered note attached to the author’s name by an asterisk, stating his/her professional capacity).

Case notes or legislation notes should not exceed 2.500 words.

Book Reviews should not exceed 1.500 words and have no footnotes.


2. Headings – Style

In articles, case notes or legislation notes, individual paragraphs should not be numbered. Subdivisions with headings are preferred and a maximum of four levels of heading is suggested, as set forth below:

Article title

I. Section

A. Subsection

1. Paragraph  

Phrases in capitals or underlined text should be avoided.


3. General rules of citation 



Tridimas, The General Principles of EU Law, 2nd ed. (OUP, 2006), pp. 16-24.


Hatzopoulos, Le principe de reconnaissance mutuelle dans la libre prestation de services, (2010) CDE, 47-93.

EU documents

O.J. 1983, L 24/30.

COM(2010)2020, “Europe 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”, para. 460.


Article 114 TFEU

Council Regulation 1/2003/EC (O.J. 2003, L1/1)


Case C‑70/88, Parliament v. Council, EU:C:1990:217, par. 22.

Case C‑95/12, European Commission v. Federal Republic of Germany, not yet reported.

Internet sources

http://ec.europa.eu/sport/library/documents/b24/xg-gg-201307-dlvrbl2-sept2013.pdf (last visited 22 Oct. 2013).

It is recommended to use abbreviations in footnotes and in parentheses, e.g. Art. 8; 3 Dec. 1990; para 45. Where cases are referenced in several footnotes, please use the case name and “cited supra note X”. For published works referred to more than once, use "author, op. cit. supra note x".

The Editors reserve the right to request corrections to manuscripts.

tags: EUROPEAN POLITEIA, πρόσκληση, υποβολή άρθρων, εκδόσεις, Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, Brexit μετά