MOU and Agreements
MoU between the EPLO and the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA)
16 January 2025
The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) and its Circular Economy and Climate Institute have formalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA). This agreement aims to enhance collaboration on the Euro-Mediterranean and African ecosystems, enhance expert knowledge in the regions, and support transparent, inclusive social and economic development with a particular emphasis on expertise, sharing of knowledge, co-funding, and dissemination to support a transformation towards a transparent, sustainable transition in the Mediterranean and Africa.
The MoU was officially signed on 16 January 2025 on behalf of EPLO by Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO, and George Stavros Kremlis, Director of the Circular Economy & Climate Institute, Member of the Board of Directors, and by Prof. Rym Ayadi, EMEA Founder and President, Chair of the Executive Board, representing EMEA.
MoU between EPLO and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
13 November 2024
The EPLO Director Professor S. Flogaitis and the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (hereinafter, referred to as UNAOC), H.E. Mr Miguel Angel Moratinos signed an MoU expressing their mutual commitment to strengthening their joint efforts and collaboration to promote and implement initiatives aligned with the shared goals and objectives of both organizations.
UNAOC is an initiative of the United Nations that aims to build bridges between societies, promote dialogue and understanding, forge collective political will to address growing divisions between societies and restore mutual respect between people of different cultures inspiring them to mobilize to achieve these goals.
This partnership will leverage UNAOC’s expertise and resources to develop projects and initiatives. Key focus areas will include youth, media, education, migration, and women, alongside support for activities in mediation. In parallel, the EPLO will actively promote these initiatives and projects through its network of institutions. By fostering universal values through the lens of law, good governance, education, and international cooperation, the EPLO will emphasize the rule of law, particularly through its Global Rule of Law Commission.
MoU between EPLO and the National Council of The Prosecution Service (CNMP)
14 September 2024
The EPLO signed an MoU with the National Council of The Prosecution Service, CONSELHO NACIONAL DO MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO (CNMP), an institution that carries out the administrative, financial and disciplinary supervision of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Brazil and its members based in Brazil.
Both parties agreed on developing common academic and scientific activities and other
learning-related program initiatives and affirm their intent to establish and maintain long-term relationships as will be of mutual benefit to their respective institutions. The EPLO, through the agency of its educational institution the European Law and Governance School (ELGS), agreed to cooperate in areas of development training modules and courses related to the areas of operation of the public prosecution service; knowledge and academic network-sharing; the organization of joint conferences, symposia, and other events; as well as, the development of material and joint publications of research results.
The Memorandum was signed on 14 September 2024 in the presence of Prof. Atalá Correia, Interinstitutional Support Judge representing CNMP, and Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO, representing the Organization.
First Amendment to the Agreement between the EPLO and the Administrative Court of Thailand
12 September 2024
An agreement between the EPLO, represented by its Director, Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis, and the Administrative Court of Thailand represented by its VicePresident Mr. Vishnu Varunyou was signed on Thursday 12 September 2024. Under clause No. 4 of the Agreement signed on 12 September 2019, the parties agreed to extend the period of the Agreement for five (5) years.
Both parties agreed on facilitating links between the two institutions by setting up a new branch of EPLO at the Administrative Court Premises in terms of space and fundamental facilities/supplies required for EPLO's students and doing research; interacting through meetings, conferences, and symposia; and fostering the exchange of officials and/or consultants representing either Party.
Furthermore, this agreement enhances cooperative initiatives in the areas of education, study visits, training, and research relating to public law/administrative law and practice between the two institutions, as well as, the implementation of collaborative programs such as tailor-made higher education programs; cooperative research; joint seminars/conferences; technology transfer, and curriculum development.
MoU with University of Teramo (Università degli Studi di Teramo)
3 July 2024
The EPLO has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Università degli Studi di Teramo, University of Teramo an Italian public research university located in Teramo, Italy. Both parties involved agreed to establish cooperation to develop academic, scientific, and cultural activities, through the development of joint projects, the implementation of student and academic staff exchange programs, the maintenance of technical cooperation, and the joint publication of scientific materials.
The MoU was officially signed on July 3, 2024, by Rector Prof. Dino Mastrocola representing the University of Teramo, and Ms Vassiliki Lykoura the Director General for Management of the EPLO, representing the Organization.
ΜoU between the Balkans & Black Sea Forum (BBSF), represented by Geo Routes Institute NPO, and the EPLO signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
June 4 2024
The BBSF serves as a hub for leading businesses and policymakers committed to fostering stability, growth, and cross-border cooperation. Its focus areas include enhancing bilateral and multilateral relations, strengthening economic and social development, and promoting mutual understanding and sustainable development in the Balkans, Black Sea, and Eurasian regions.
The EPLO is an international organization dedicated to the creation and dissemination of knowledge in Public Law and Governance, and the promotion of European values. The EPLO emphasizes the importance of collaboration and cooperation with partners to achieve its mandate and strategic objectives.
Through this memorandum, both parties agree to collaborate in areas of common interest,disseminate their messages via meetings, conferences, workshops, and other events,exchange information and expertise, submit joint proposals to international organizations,participate in European-funded programs.
This memorandum signifies the commitment of both organizations to work together in promoting cross-border cooperation and sustainable development activities in the Balkans, Black Sea, and Eurasian regions.
MoU with the Association of Greek Industries (ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΩΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ)
29 May 2024
The EPLO signed an MoU with the Association of Greek Industries (SBE). The agreement will foster cooperation between the two parties involved, through specific initiatives and projects. The signing of the Memorandum took place in Athens, Greece in the presence of Ms. Loukia Sarantis, President of SBE, representing the Association, and Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO, representing the Organization.
EPLO and the Association of Greek Industries will collaborate on strategies for promotion and advancements in the fields of Governance, Environment, Training, Technology, Innovation, Justice, and transparency of entrepreneurial activities. The agreement is aimed at activities focused on the complementary areas of expertise of the Parties and jointly implemented in the framework of international development cooperation actions and mutual exchange of development opportunities
MOU between the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) and the EPLO
28 April 2024
A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) represented by its Governor, Dr. Christos Tsitouras, and Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO).
This Memorandum aims to promote the circular economy, energy transition, and climate neutrality while developing best practices in aviation, Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs), the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) for aviation, and green-circular airports. The collaboration underscores the role of the HCAA as a Regulatory Authority overseeing air transport, shipping, and airports, ensuring these entities plan and implement green-cycle transition measures with EPLO's support.
The partnership will also focus on aligning with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) policies, emphasizing cleaner energy sources like SAFs, Low Carbon Aviation Fuels (LCAF), and other sustainable infrastructure to facilitate energy transition at airports.
EPLO will support HCAA in circular economy plans, in relevant European programs, and in co-organizing conferences, workshops, and symposia to advance their joint objectives.
MoU with LEPL Georgia
25 April 2024
The EPLO has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the LEPL International Education Center of Georgia, establishing a framework for cooperation through educational and academic exchanges. This agreement, facilitated by the EPLO’s European Law and Governance School (ELGS), provides for the collaboration on an intensive Qualification Enhancement Program in terms of academia and research, staff and student mobility, and other activities promoting with regards to the visibility of the carried-out joint project. The agreement foresees the sharing and exchange of knowledge and, the coordination and development of joint research activities, conferences, and training courses.
The MoU was officially signed on April 25, 2024, by the Executive Director Ms. Nunu Mitskevich representing the LEPL International Education Center of Georgia, and Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO, representing the Organization.
MoU between EPLO and Libera University Maria Santissima Assunta (LUMSA)
21 March 2024
The EPLO signed an MoU with Libera University Maria Santissima Assunta. The agreement will foster cooperation between the two institutions involved, through educational and academic exchanges. The purpose of this cooperation is to promote institutional collaboration activities between LUMSA and EPLO, regulate their relations, and jointly develop and consolidate opportunities and collaboration initiatives.
Both parties will collaborate in areas of academia and research, staff mobility and student exchange, the implementation of the transnational training sector (TNE), and all other activities promoting the visibility of carried-out joint projects. The agreement foresees the development of joint programs and courses, the sharing and exchange of knowledge, the coordination and development of joint research activities, conferences, and training courses, the creation of publications, databases, or other material useful as scientific results and the collaboration in the management of sector journals.
The signing of the Memorandum took place in Rome, Italy on 21 March 20024 in the presence of the Rector Prof. Francesco Bonini representing LUMSA, and Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO, representing the Organization.
MoU between EPLO and University of Trento, Faculty of Law
13 March 2024
The EPLO signed an MoU with the University of Trento, Faculty of Law with the purpose of establishing cooperation in the academic, scientific, and cultural fields.
The present agreement will foster cooperation between the two institutions involved, through educational and academic exchanges while promoting institutional collaboration activities between the University of Trento and EPLO, regulate their relations, jointly develop and consolidate opportunities and collaboration initiatives, and maintain technical cooperations to strengthen the above-mentioned areas.
The agreement foresees the development of joint programs and courses, the sharing and exchange of knowledge, the coordination and development of joint research activities, conferences, and training courses, the creation of publications, databases, or other material useful as scientific results and the collaboration in the management of sector journals.
The Memorandum was signed on 13 March 2024 in the presence of Prof. Paolo Carta representing UNITRENTO, and Ms. Vasiliki Lykoura, Director General for Management of the EPLO, representing the Organization.
MoU with the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CHIEAM BARI)
22 February 2024
The EPLO has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CHIEAM BARI), a Center for post-graduate higher education, applied research and development cooperation. Both parties involved agreed to develop and undertake collaborative training and international development cooperation activities in the fields of common interest with a specific focus on international cooperation through specific initiatives and projects, subject to their prior mutual consent and their respective policies and procedures. The collaboration will incorporate projects for international cooperation and the development of joint strategies, the exchange of staff and experts, and organized seminars, workshops, and meetings attended by students, experts, staff, decision-makers, and other concerned stakeholders from both Parties.
The MoU was officially signed on February 22, 2024, by Mr. Maurizio Raeli, Director of CHIEAM BARI, and Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO, representing the Organization.
General Memorandum of Understanding between the EPLO and the Supreme Court of Mexico represented by the Center for Constitutional Studies (CEC)
16 February 2024
The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) has formalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Supreme Court of Mexico, represented by the Managing Director of the Center of Constitutional Studies (CEC). This agreement aims to create a collaborative framework that fosters academic, scientific, and cultural exchange for the mutual benefit of both institutions. The MoU outlines a robust program of academic and research capacity building, designed to enhance the visibility and impact of the partnership. It emphasizes knowledge sharing, the development of joint research initiatives, and the coordination of conferences and other scholarly activities.
The MoU was officially signed on 16 February 2024 in Mexico City by Ms. Alejandra Martínez Verástegui, Managing Director, representing the Center for Constitutional Studies of the Supreme Court of Mexico, and Professor Spyridon Flogaitis Directo, representing the EPLO.
MoU between the EPLO and the University of Urbino Carlo Bo Department of Law (Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza – DiGiur)
25 January 2024
The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) has formalized a cooperation agreement with the University of Urbino Carlo Bo-Department of Law. This agreement aims to consider the shared objective of fostering closer and more productive collaboration between The University and EPLO, in the course of which each of the partner institutions entering into this agreement will make both facilities and the professional expertise of its personnel reciprocally available to further projects of mutual interest which will be specified on a case-by-case basis. The present agreement fosters deeper cooperation especially but not exclusively with the Institute for Global Health Emergencies Response (IGHER) of EPLO, which has its seat at the EPLO Headquarters in Rome building while emphasizing knowledge sharing, the development of joint research initiatives, the coordination of conferences and other scholarly activities as well as ensuring student and staff exchange.
The MoU was officially signed on 25 January 2024 by Ms. Professor Licia Califano, the Director of the Department of Law, representing the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, and Ms. Vasiliki Lykoura Director General for Management, representing the EPLO.
MoU between EPLO and LEPL Georgia
31 October 2023
EPLO has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the LEPL International Education Centre of Georgia, establishing a framework for cooperation through educational and academic exchanges. This agreement, facilitated by EPLO's European Law and Governance School (ELGS), provides for cooperation in an intensive program of academic and research capacity building, staff and student mobility, and other activities to enhance the visibility of the joint project. The agreement provides for the sharing and exchange of knowledge and the coordination and development of joint research activities, conferences, and training courses.
The MoU was officially signed on 31 October 2024 by Ms. Nunu Mitskevich, Executive Director, representing the LEPL International Education Centre of Georgia, and Ms. Vasiliki Lykoura, Director General of Management, representing the organization.
MoU with IDP of Brazil
16 September 2023
The EPLO signed an MoU with the Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa (IDP) a center of excellence in teaching, research and extension, based in Brazil, represented by the Director of the IDP Prof. Francisco Schertel Mendes and Prof. Paulo Castro Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Public Administration of IDP. The cooperation between IDP and EPLO may include the development of academic programs; of targeted training and other learning-related programs such as executive training, summer schools etc; the establishment of a teaching staff mobility scheme;and/or a student mobility scheme; the mutual recognition of degrees in the framework of an agreed and approved agreement; cooperation in knowledge, in funded projects; in internship programs; the organization of joint conferences, symposia and other events; research; and the development of academic and public policy materials, and joint publications of research results.
MoU with the University Ca' Foscari of Venice
05 September 2023
The EPLO signed an MoU with the University Ca' Foscari of Venice. The agreement will foster cooperation between the two institutions involved, through educational and academic exchanges . The agreement will foster cooperation between the two institutions involved, through educational and academic exchanges. The signing of the Memorandum took place in the Aula Baratto, at Ca’ Foscari Venice in presence of the Rector of Ca’ Foscari, Professor Tiziana Lippiello, the Deputy Pro-Rector Antonio Marcomini and the Pro-Rector for International Relations and International Cooperation, Fabrizio Marrella. Representing the EPLO is Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the Organization.
EPLO and Ca' Foscari will collaborate in areas relating to public law, European Union law , sustainability, environmental protection and sustainable water management. The agreement foresees the development of joint programs and courses, the sharing and exchange of knowledge and academic staff, the coordination and development of joint research activities, conferences and training courses.
Sierra Leone government signs MOU with EPLO
February 11, 2023
The government of Sierra Leone through, the Minister of Development and Economic Planning Dr Francis Kai -Kai, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) at a ceremony which took place at the Le Plaza Hotel in Brussels, Belgium.
The aim of the EPLO MOU is to promote universal values through Law and Governance and cooperation activities with particular emphasis on further development and enrichment of the public goals and institutions of Sierra Leone in the best interest of its People.
The government of Sierra Leone, committed to Education and the Rule of Law, wishes to collaborate with the EPLO to promote education, research, training and institution building in every aspect of public life where the need will be prioritized by the Government.
The Mediterranean Programme for International Environmental Law and Negotiation (MEPIELAN) signed an MOU with EPLO
30 December, 2022
The Mediterranean Programme for International Environmental Law and Negotiation (MEPIELAN) is an international scientific, research and educational Non-Profit Civil Organization (INGO),represented by its Founding and Executive Director, Prof. Evangelos Raftopoulos signed an MOU with the EPLO on December 2022 represented by its Director Professor Spyridon Flogaitis.The Parties shall work for the realization of joint projects, activities and training programmes. Cooperation extends to the production of publications and European research and academic networking projects.
Cooperation agreement between the EPLO and the Mathias Corvinus Collegium Foundation, Hungary
June 27, 2022
A cooperation agreement was signed between the Mathias Corvinus Collegium Foundation, represented by its General Director, Dr. Zoltan Szalai, and the European Public Law Organization, represented by its Director, Mr. Spyridon Flogaitis. This agreement reflects the intention of the two bodies to promote cooperation in the field of scientific research, technology, education and teaching. The main areas of cooperation under this agreement include the exchange of information in regard to the strategies and programs of the parties in the field of science, technology and education; Erasmus and cooperation; exchange of scientific and methodical materials and publications; short-term exchange programs for scientists, researchers, technical experts and lectures; visits and exchange of university teaching; mutually beneficial collaborative research, development and any publications.
Framework Agreement between the EPLO and The Court of Justice of the Andean Community
June 15, 2022
The Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina (TJCA) represented by the Magistrate Dr. Hugo R. Gómez Apac, President of the TJCA, and the European Public Law Organization, represented by Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director, signed an Agreement with the purpose to recognize each other and to create channels of international cooperation, in particular in the field of the Justice and for the exchange of academic information about the public law, international law, European Law, Law of the Andean Countries, human rights and governance.
The Court of Justice of the Andean Community is the judicial organ of the Andean Community, with supranational and communitarian character, has been established in order to declare the Andean Law and to ensure its uniform application and interpretation in all the Member States of the Andean Community. One of its fundamental missions is to coordinate actions with national authorities with the aim to promote the diffusion of the communitarian Andean legal system and its jurisprudence.
The Court of Justice of the Andean Community settles disputes between Andean Community Member States that arise under Community law. The TJAC is seated in Quito, Ecuador and serves the Community’s four Member States: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
MoU between EPLO and the Resource Environmental Center Albania
June 7, 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Resource Environmental Center Albania (REC Albania), represented by its Director, Mihallaq Qirjo, and the European Public Law Organization’s Regional Environmental Institute (REI), represented by its Strategic Director, Dr. Dejan Komatina.
The partnership between the two bodies has resulted in the creation of a new organizational unit, named “REI Albania,” under REI. REI Albania will aid REI in its activities: research and development, policy upgrade and implementation, legal harmonization, technical assistance and capacity building projects, education, etc.
This memorandum reflects the intention of the two bodies to implement environmental and sustainable development activities in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean through the implementation and enforcement of European environmental policy and law and in relation to the EU Green Agenda and EU Green Deal.
MoU between EPLO and THE 4.0 FOUNDATION
June 7, 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between THE 4.0 FOUNDATION (The4.0F), resulting in the creation of a new organizational unit, named “REI Bulgaria,” under REI. REI Bulgaria will aid REI in its activities: research and development, policy upgrade and implementation, legal harmonization, technical assistance and capacity building projects, education, etc.). This memorandum reflects the intention of the two bodies to work together to promote environment protection and sustainable development activities in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean through the implementation and enforcement of European environmental policy and law and in relation to the EU Green Agenda and EU Green Deal.
MoU between the EPLO and the Resource Environmental Community Montenegro
June 7, 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Resource Environmental Community Montenegro (REC Montenegro), represented by its Director, and the European Public Law Organization’s Regional Environmental Institute (REI), represented by its Strategic Director, Dr. Dejan Komatina.
The partnership between the two bodies has resulted in the creation of a new organizational unit, named “REI Montenegro,” under REI. REI Montenegro will aid REI in its activities: research and development, policy upgrade and implementation, legal harmonization, technical assistance and capacity building projects, education, etc. This memorandum reflects the intention of the two bodies to work together to promote environment protection and sustainable development activities in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean through the implementation and enforcement of European environmental policy and law and in relation to the EU Green Agenda and EU Green Deal.
MoU between the EPLO and The Resource Environmental Center Bosnia and Herzegovina
June 7, 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Resource Environmental Center Bosnia and Herzegovina (REC Bosnia and Herzegovina), represented by its Director and the European Public Law Organization’s Regional Environmental Institute (REI), represented by its Strategic Director, Dr. Dejan Komatina.
The partnership between the two bodies has resulted in the creation of a new organizational unit, named “REI Bosnia and Herzegovina,” under REI. REI Bosnia and Herzegovina will aid REI in its activities: research and development, policy upgrade and implementation, legal harmonization, technical assistance and capacity building projects, education, etc. This memorandum reflects the intention of the two bodies to work together to promote environment protection and sustainable development activities in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean through the implementation and enforcement of European environmental policy and law and in relation to the EU Green Agenda and EU Green Deal.
MoU between the EPLO and the Resource Environmental Center Kosovo
June 7, 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on June 7, 2022 between the Resource Environmental Center Kosovo (REC Kosovo), represented by its Director, and the European Public Law Organization’s Regional Environmental Institute (REI), represented by its Strategic Director, Dr. Dejan Komatina.
The partnership between the two bodies has resulted in the creation of a new organizational unit, named “REI Kosovo,” under REI. REI Kosovo will aid REI in its activities: research and development, policy upgrade and implementation, legal harmonization, technical assistance and capacity building projects, education, etc. This memorandum reflects the intention of the two bodies to work together to promote environment protection and sustainable development activities in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean through the implementation and enforcement of European environmental policy and law and in relation to the EU Green Agenda and EU Green Deal.
MoU between the EPLO and the Resource Environmental Center North Macedonia
June 7, 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding was Signed on between the Resource Environmental Center North Macedonia (REC North Macedonia), represented by its Director, and the European Public Law Organization’s Regional Environmental Institute (REI), represented by its Strategic Director, Dr. Dejan Komatina.
The partnership between the two bodies has resulted in the creation of a new organizational unit, named “REI North Macedonia,” under REI. The unit has been formed with the mutual understanding that close cooperation between REI and REC North Macedonia can be beneficial only if it is based on the effective implementation and enforcement of European environmental legislation and policies. REI North Macedonia will aid REI in its activities: research and development, policy upgrade and implementation, legal harmonization, technical assistance and capacity building projects, education, etc. This memorandum reflects the intention of the two bodies to work together to promote environment protection and sustainable development activities in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean through the implementation and enforcement of European environmental policy and law and in relation to the EU Green Agenda and EU Green Deal.
MoU between the EPLO and the NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory of the Department of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
April 20, 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on between The NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory of the Department of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, represented by its director, Associate Professor Evangelos D. Protopapadakis, and the European Public Law Organization, represented by its Director General for Management, Mrs. Vassiliki Lykoura.
This memorandum reflects the intention of the two bodies to engage in the organization of conferences and seminars, to exchange ideas and support, to engage in joint participation in research projects, to create reservoirs of thought in individual areas of the wider field of biopolitics, applied philosophy and bioethics, to publish scientific works, and to sign joint memoranda.
MoU between the EPLO and the NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory of the Department of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
April 20, 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on between The NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory of the Department of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, represented by its director, Associate Professor Evangelos D. Protopapadakis, and the European Public Law Organization, represented by its Director General for Management, Mrs. Vassiliki Lykoura.
This memorandum reflects the intention of the two bodies to engage in the organization of conferences and seminars, to exchange ideas and support, to engage in joint participation in research projects, to create reservoirs of thought in individual areas of the wider field of biopolitics, applied philosophy and bioethics, to publish scientific works, and to sign joint memoranda.
Cooperation Agreement between the EPLO and the Mediterranean University of Albania
April 19, 2022
A Cooperation Agreement was signed on between the Mediterranean University of Albania, represented by its President, Dr. Anastas Angjeli, and the European Public Law Organization, represented by its Director, Mr. Spyridon Flogaitis.
This cooperation agreement reflects the intention of the two bodies to cooperate in the field of scientific research, technology and education and in their response to global and regional challenges. The two institutions will work together to generate and share new knowledge and development of innovative products and services in the aforementioned fields. Said cooperation will be facilitated by the exchange of information, strategies, programs, university teaching, and other materials and publications.
MoU between the EPLO and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria
November 29, 2021
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria, represented by its Minister, Mr. Ivan Demerdzhiev, and the European Public Law Organization, represented by its Director, Mr. Spyridon Flogaitis. This memorandum reflects intention of the two bodies to work together to promote better understanding of the role of the Republic of Bulgaria in the European Union and the European integration process of the Western Balkans; to develop and strengthen cooperation for the promotion of European values through European public law; and to exchange information and experience in the field of European public law. The parties intend to cooperate in the field of justice, especially in relation to the legislative process, the judiciary reform, the training of magistrates and the administration of the judiciary, as well as officials in the Ministry of Justice, within their competences.
MoU between EPLO and the Mediterranean University, Podgorica, Montenegro
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on August 23, 2021 between the Mediterranean university of Podgorica, Montenegro represented by its Rector, Professor Dr. Savo Marković, and the European Public Law Organization, represented by its Director Mr. Spyridon Flogaitis.
Mediterranean University and the EPLO acknowledge that University education in the current more globalized era must correspond to offering students qualifications and knowledge that are applicable beyond the strict confines of single-state markets, which also reflect and correspond to the new opportunities and challenges brought up by the opening up of markets and the breakdown of barriers.
This memorandum reflects the intention of the two institutes to work together to develop mutually beneficial targeted training; encourage students’ mobility for academic purposes; share an academic network; establish partnerships for funded projects; organize joint conferences, symposia and other events and,developing academic and public policy materials or joint publications of research results.
MoU between the EPLO and the Centro de Estudos em Direito e Negócios of the Federative Republic of Brazil
June 9, 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Centro de Estudos em Direito e Negócios (CEDIN) of the Federative Republic of Brazil, represented by its rector, Dr. Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant, and the European Public Law Organization, represented by its Director, Mr. Spyridon Flogaitis.
This memorandum reflects the two parties’ shared interest in creating and disseminating knowledge in the area of Public Law as well as the culture and values of Europe throughout the world. The two parties recognize the importance of university education and the importance of providing for students qualifications and knowledge applicable beyond the strict confines of single, state markets, corresponding to the new opportunities and challenges brought up by the opening of markets and the breakdown of barriers.
MoU between CompeteGR and the EPLO Institute for Sustainable Development
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on May 31, 2021 between CompeteGR, the Competitiveness Council of Greece, represented by its President, Mr Simos Anastasopoulos, and its Director-General, Mrs Venetia Kousia, and the Institute for Sustainable Development of the European Public Law Organization, represented by its Director Mr. Spyridon Flogaitis and the Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development Mr. Spyros Kouvelis.
This memorandum reflects the intention of the two bodies to work together to promote Sustainable Development and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the EU Green Agreement and the ESG (Environment, Society and Governance) principles in business and investment. in Greece as a means of increasing competitiveness.
MoU between the EPLO and the Fundação Fernando Henrique Cardoso in Brazil
The Fundação Fernando Henrique Cardoso (hereinafter – FFHC), represented by Mr. Sérgio Fausto, Executive-Director, and the European Public Law Organization, represented by Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director, signed an MoU on March 17, 2021 with the purpose to create and disseminate knowledge and conduct technical cooperation activities in the field of public law and governance, in working together to develop the Capítulo Brasileiro of the EPLO, helping to bring together and around the EPLO the best academic, judicial, political, diplomatic and in general public spirited forces of Brazil in terms of equality, mutual respect, friendship, cooperation, commitment and belief in a Global, transatlantic concept of public law and governance.
Furthermore, the parties within their competence intend to cooperate inter alia in conducting and supporting scientific and educational research, developing of educational programs, personnel training, teaching and technical cooperation, as well as to promote cooperation between Europe and Brazil.
MoU between the EPLO and the University of Miskolc of Hungary
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed on Αugust 26, 2020 between the University of Miskolc represented by the Rector of the University, Dr. Horvath Zita and the EPLO, represented by the President of the Board of Directors of the European Public Law Organization Professor Spyridon Flogaitis. The two parties intent to promote educational exchanges as will be of mutual benefit for their respective institutions. This cooperation includes the development of mutually beneficial academic programs and course, cooperation in knowledge – and academic network- sharing, exchange of academic staff for purposes of teaching and research, reciprocal assistance for visiting academic staff and students, coordination of joint research, lectures and trainings, exchange of documentation and research materials in fields of mutual interest provided that, to the best knowledge of the respective institutions, there is no prohibition at law or otherwise against the exchange and, development of academic and public policy materials, joint publications of research results.
MoU between the EPLO and the Shanghai University
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed on June 29, 2020 between the Shanghai University (SHU) represented by the Vice President of the Shanghai University, Mr. Gong Siyi and the EPLO, represented by Ms Vicky Lykoura, Director General for Management of the EPLO.
SHU and EPLO agreed to form an international 3-months legal study & internship program in Athens, with the aim to provide SHU students practical experience through studying and internship abroad. The program is designed and operated by the EPLO and provides learning opportunities for students to encounter international perspectives and connect these new perspectives with their experience of the local culture. Students gain work experience from the internship component and practical knowledge from the academic component of the program. The program challenges students to gain independence and self confidence as they manage working and studying. SHU and EPLO will jointly evaluate the most worthy candidate among all those involved in the internship programs held in a one/two – year period, in order to provide a scholarship supporting the successful candidate.
EPLO is responsible for the structure and content of the Program, as well as for the general implementation of it. This MoU shall have a duration of 5 years.
MoU between the EPLO and the University of Peace
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed on February 25, 2020 between the University of Peace (UPEACE) represented by the Rector of the UPEACE, Dr. Francisco Rojas Aravena and the EPLO, represented by Ambassador George Papadatos, Permanent Observer and Head of Mission of EPLO in Geneva.
Present during the signing ceremony were the Permanent Representative of Greece in Geneva H.E Ambassador Panayotis Stournaras, Ms Brunilda Koco, Minister Counsellor in the Albanian Mission to the UN in Geneva, the Chancellor of the UPEACE and former President of the European Parliament, Enrique Baron, and H.E Ambassador David Fernandez, Permanent Observer of the University for Peace to the United Nations Office at Geneva
After the signing ceremony possible avenues of cooperation between the two institutions were discussed including a visit by the Director of EPLO, Professor S. Flogaitis to UPEACE in Costa Rica.
MoU between the EPLO and the United Nations
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed on December 18, 2019 between the United Nations Division for Treaty Affairs, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime represented by the Director Mr. John Brandolino, and the EPLO represented by Ambassador Ugljesa Ugi Zvekić, Permanent Observer of the EPLO to the United Nations in Vienna.
The UNODC has the mandate as the guardian of the UN Convention against corruption and the EPLO pursues the goal, among others, to exchange activities relevant to the prevention of corruption and organize crime.
The parties have agreed to offer academic courses and training relevant to knowledge management and education on the prevention of corruption and organized crime. Αlso they decided to support the work carried out under the Anti-Corruption Academic Initiative (ACAD), the Education for Justice (E4J) Initiative and any other future initiative. They will exchange information and expertise with regard to education and knowledge management on organized crime and explore further areas of institutional cooperation between the two parties.
MoU between the EPLO, the Rule of Law Anti-Corruption Center Geneva (ROLACC Geneva) and the European Integrity Academy- Euromediterranean Center for Research and Education (EURIA)
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed on December 17, 2019 between the EPLO represented by its Director, Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis, the ROLACC Geneva represented by its Director Executive, Μr. Thomas Peran, and the EURIA represented by its President Ziouvas Dimitrios.
The ROLACC Geneva is an international center dedicated to the fight against corruption, the EPLO is an International organization dedicated to the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the area of Public Law and Governance and EURIA is a European non-profit, public benefit research and educational institution offering knowledge and best practices in the fields of corporate and public integrity. Τhe three parties agree to cooperate in order to prepare, implement and deliver the “South East European Master’s Degree in Rule of law and Anti-Corruption”.
EPLO will host through its Academy for Transparency and Human Rights a special education unit with the aim to award a post graduate degree under the title “South East European Master’s Degree in Rule of law and Anti-Corruption”.
MoU with the Alumni Association of the National School of Public Administration
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed on September 17, 2019 between the Alumni Association of the National School of Public Administration represented by Mr. Dimitrios Kirmikiroglou, President of the Association and the EPLO, represented by its Director, Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis.
This agreement aims to jointly implement actions contributing to the dissemination of knowledge in Public Governance and Public Law and promoting the Administrative Reform with the ultimate goal of supporting a more effective and more efficient administration for the benefit of the Citizen.
The agreement framework foresees cooperation on the scientific co-curation of a special annual report on Public Administration within the wider context of the "Administrative Reform" journal, participation and contribution of the Alumni Association and its members for the development and improvement of the"Innovation Platform for Local Government (SmartGov)" of the Institute of Local Government and Policy Innovation of the EPLO, the co-organization of an annual conference in the field of Public Administration and Local Government, cooperation in studies, projects and activities of the EPLO.
Agreement extended between the EPLO and the Administrative Court of Thailand
Agreement between the European Public Law Organization, represented by its Director, Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis, and the Administrative Court of Thailand represented by its Vice -President Mr. Vishnu Varunyou signed in Sounion on Thursday 12 September, 2019. By virtue of Amendment No1. Agreement signed on 21th June, 2013 the parties agreed to extend the period of the Agreement for five (5) years from 12 September, 2019.
This Agreement is intended to facilitate exchanges and cooperative initiatives in the areas of education, study visits, training and research relating to public law/administrative law and practice between the two institutions.
Furthermore the exchange of information in areas of mutual interest such as: education, research and training systems and standards, teaching and curriculum materials, publications: legal documents, standards and accreditation systems to assist in the interpretation and evaluation of degrees, diplomas and certificates and study and training opportunities in each country for nationals of the other.
The joint planning and implementation of collaborative programs and projects will have the form of: tailor-made higher education programs, continuing training programs for Judges of the Administrative Court and officials, cooperative research, joint seminars/conferences, technology transfer and curriculum development.
Partnership Agreement between the European Public Law Organization and the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC)
A Partnership Agreement was signed on the 4th of September, 2019 between the European Public Law Organization (EPLO), represented by its Director, Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis, and the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), represented by its Director Dr. Jafar Javan.
The United Nations System Staff College was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations as an institution for system-wide knowledge management, training and continuous learning for the staff of the United Nations system. The Collaboration under the framework of the Partnership Agreement may include any area related to learning or career support that falls under the mandates of UNSSC and EPLO. More specifically, areas of cooperation will include, among others, designing, developing and delivering training and learning activities, including Master’s Programmes, in areas of reciprocal interests, building on complementary expertise. In addition, the UNSSC will offer EPLO its experience in strategic leadership and management of development programmes for the EPLO staff.
MoU between EPLO and the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (SHUPL)
A Memorandum of Understanding signed on June 25, 2019 between the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (SHUPL) represented by Ms Hu Jiling, Vice President of SHUPL and the EPLO, represented by its Director, Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis.
Τhe Memorandum of Understanding agrees to the international legal three months’ study & internship program, with the aims to bring SHUPL students practical experience through studying and internship abroad. The Program is designed and operated by European Public Law Organization and it includes internships and lectures in order to provide learning opportunities for students to encounter international perspectives and connect these new perspectives with their experiences of the local culture, to gain work experience from the internship component and practical knowledge from the academic component of the Program, in addition to relevant skills as the Program gives them the opportunity to develop their abilities in leadership, teamwork, critical thinking, and public speaking.The Program challenges students to gain independence and self-confidence as they manage working and studying in a new environment and interacting with others in English.
Framework Agreement between the EPLO and the Ibero-American General Secretariat Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB)
A Framework Agreement signed on March 18, 2019 between the Ibero-American General Secretariat Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) represented by Mrs Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General and the EPLO, represented by its Director, Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis. The Framework Agreement foresees that SEGIB and the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) will work to achieve the goals that the two Organizations share by defining areas of intervention. Possible areas of intervention include among others training activities, the promotion of citizenship, multiculturalism and gender equality, future events that help the promotion of the organizations' mutual goals etc.
MoU between the EPLO and the Italian-Latin American Institute (IILA)
An MOU was signed on the 22nd of January 2019 between the Italian-Latin American Institute (IILA) and the EPLO. The MoU was signed by the Secretary General Mr. Donato Di Santo and Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO in presence of the IILA Executive Director Mr. Gianandrea Rossi. The Istituto Italo-Latino Americano (IILA) is an International Intergovernmental Organization headquartered in Rome and founded in 1966 that promotes and facilitates relations between Italy, Europe and Latin America, through initiatives of social, economic, cultural and technical-scientific character. In this framework, the IILA implements cooperation projects in Latin American countries, coordinates training activities, sponsors educational scholarships, and organizes and promotes conferences, exhibitions and other events. Through this MOU the Parties have agreed to promote joint initiatives (seminars, conferences, institutional meetings, studies and research, training activities, programs and projects), on themes related to the Italian Latin American and bi-regional Europe-Latin America and Caribbean agenda, Public Law and Governance, European Union Law and Policies, the multilateral agenda with special reference to the themes of integration and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To this end, both Parties will make available their own competencies, experience and networks of national and international relations.
Agreement among the EPLO the University of Trento and the Autonomous Province of Trento
An agreement was signed on September 18, 2018 between the European Public Law Organization represented by Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO and the University of Trento represented by its Rector Mr Paolo Collini and the Autonomous Province of Trento represented by its President Mr Ugo Rossi. The three parties have agreed to mutually promote the study and research on regional autonomies with the aim to produce an Annual Report on the state of the regional autonomies in Europe and bring the best resources to discuss and promote regional autonomies and policies. In this framework the EPLO has established in cooperation with the Province and the University of Trento, a Regional Branch that will plan, organize and run in the Province of Trento a high level Annual Conference and various events as well as produce a special series of publications. Within the framework of this agreement the students of the University of Trento will be offered the opportunity for studies or internships at the EPLO locally and/or elsewhere in the world. The EPLO Regional Branch of Trento will also offer in loco internships to Law students of the University of Trento.
MoU between the European Public Law Organization and the Donetsk Law Institute of MIA of Ukraine
An agreement was signed on September 6, 2018 between the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) and the Donetsk Law Institute of MIA of Ukraine represented by its Rector Mr. Viktor Bestschastnyy. The two parties have agreed to jointly cooperate in educational, research and publishing activities, also in other scientific and educational works, in co-organizing events and conferences as well as the exchange of delegations for scientific and academic purposes.
Agreement between the European Public Law Organization and the ALLILON Network
In Αugust 20, 2018 in Athens, an agreement was signed between the EPLO and the ALLILON network represented by its President Mr. Georgios Pangratis. The two parties have agreed to facilitate the communication and inter-connection of their and to support EPLO students in the areas of professional advancement, training, career consulting, entrepreneurship and innovation. They have also agreed to mutually organize events and activities aiming to improve the business and investment environment in Greece as a means of sustainable economic development. This cooperation foresees consultation of EPLO students in career issues, and information on ALLILON other activities as well as cooperation of the two networks abroad and the participation of the members of ALLILON in EPLO programs or events.
Agreement between the European Public Law Organization and the Municipality of Cascais, Portugal
In July 27, 2018 an agreement was signed between the European Public Law Organization represented by Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO and the Municipality of Cascais represented by Carlos Manuel Lavrador De Jesus Carreiras, President of the Municipality of Câmara. The two parties have agreed to promote developments on international law and public law with the aim to produce knowledge on issues of cutting edge in the modern scientific discussion in Europe and bring together the best intellectual resources to discuss and promote issues with attention to their intercultural, political, European and international dimensions. Within the framework of this agreement it has been decided to establish an EPLO Regional Branch at Cascais, Portugal promoting education, research, training, and international cooperation activities with a paramount interest to the modern areas of international law as transcending into internal public law and with special reference to the fight against terrorism, corruption etc. The EPLO Regional Branch will plan, organize and run in the Municipality of Cascais a high level Annual Conference, various events, and other educational and training activities and will take initiatives to support the project.
MoU between the EPLO and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic Kazakhstan.
Recognizing the need for international cooperation as well as the need to further developing scientific and creative communication, an MOU was signed in May 17, 2018 between the Director of the European Public Law Organization, Professor Spyridon Flogaitis and the Rector of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic Kazakhstan, Mr Shakir Shayakhmetov. The two parties have agreed to cooperate in joint international events: conferences, symposia and others, in internationally funded projects, in the mutual exchange of scientific publications as well as in research and publishing activities, in the exchange of experts for academic purposes as well as any other area of mutual interest.
MoU between the EPLO’s Academy for Transparency and Human Rights and the Academy of Justice under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan
An MOU was signed between the EPLO’s Academy for Transparency and Human Rights represented by Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO, and the Academy of Justice under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan represented by Rector Mr. Tolesh Kaudyrov, on May 17, 2018 at Kazakhstan. The two parties have agreed to promote and develop cooperation in the area of judge training. The two parties have also agreed to cooperate in joint international events: conferences, symposia, and others, in internationally funded projects, in the mutual exchange of scientific publications as well as in research and publishing activities, in the exchange of experts for academic purposes as well as any other area of mutual interest.
MoU between the EPLO’s Academy for Transparency and Human Rights and the Financial Academy- Joint Stock Company of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan
An MOU was signed between the EPLO’s Academy for Transparency and Human Rights represented by Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO and the “Financial Academy” Joint Stock Company of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan), represented by the President, Natalya Korzhova in May 17, 2018 at Kazakhstan. The two parties have agreed to the exchange of experience, academic and scientific content, lecturers and students for postgraduate programs, as well as young scientists for training and scientific internships. They have agreed to promote and develop cooperation in funded projects, in academic projects and joint scientific research and publications through commonly established partnership.
MοU between the EPLO and the National Aviation University of Ukraine
On 18 January 2018, the EPLO and the National Aviation University of Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Understanding wishing to develop and further strengthen their cooperation with a vie

