REI - Regional Environmental Institute
REI - Regional Environmental Institute
The Institute operates as a think tank, an excellence hub, a platform for new thinking, and as a generator for actions and projects on issues related to Environment and Climate Change.
The mission of REI is to assist in addressing environmental issues mainly in Central, Eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean, through the promotion of cooperation among non-governmental organizations, governments, businesses, and other environmental stakeholders, as well as the free exchange of information and public participation in environmental decision-making.
The strategic goal of the Regional Environmental Institute is to assist beneficiary countries in solving environmental problems through:
- implementation of projects (research and development, policy upgrade and implementation, technical assistance and capacity building projects, etc.), and
- education.
With the view to achieving the goal, the objectives of the Institute are to:
- Follow the development of global and regional environmental problems,
- Gather and distribute environmental data pertaining to the countries of the region, as well as the region as a whole,
- Regularly assess strategic environmental needs in Central, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean and serve as a resource in identifying solutions,
- Promote cooperation, related to the environment protection and improvement, between governments, academic and non governmental organizations, and members of the business community,
- Promote public participation in environmental decision-making,
- Offer opportunities for mutual exchange of experiences to interested countries, organizations and individuals,
- Offer an in-kind support to promote solutions of environmental issues, and
- Award fellowships and organize educational, training, academic and scientific programs in the field of environmental protection, law, management, as well as nature conservation, in the region.
Why there is a need for an Institute dealing with environmental policy and law?
Can we say that at the core of Global Green Agenda is a shift to a new social paradigm that would enable the World to live within environmental boundaries following a just transition from fossil fuels towards green economy and sustainable development? Could we surmise Global Green Agenda is about conducting inclusive climate action to build thriving and equitable communities, and achieve climate, social and economic justice for all? If so, could we argue that environmental laws and policies are leading driving forces of Global Green Agenda worldwide permeation?
EU views climate change and environmental degradation as the foremost existential threats. To significantly reduce its net greenhouse gas emissions and beyond to transform EU into a resource-efficient economy, the EC is adopting a set of regulative tools and measures with one goal: to make its climate, energy, transport, and taxation policies fit for the run. Green Deal, European version of Green Agenda, is already setting blueprint for this transformational change.
Viewing green economy as economy of green growth, and green growth as a policy of sustainable development is acceptance of totality of legally regulated relations between green economy and green growth in which complex reality simultaneously overlives multi-important processes of political, legal, and institutional nature. Green growth does not exclude economy from centre of sustainable development prism yet contributes with its green policies.
Environmental rule of law is central to sustainable development and integrates environmental needs with rule of law, provides foundation for environmental governance and highlights environmental sustainability by connecting it with fundamental rights and obligations. Nowadays, right to sustainable development is a human right.
COVID-19 global pandemic is questioning the very first prerequisite of sustainable development – access to resources. Natural resources managed on the basis of rule of law are true engines for reaching peace. The rule of law in environmental matters is essential for equity in terms of advancement of all SDGs. Changes within one-state regulatory-political-institutional framework, during its harmonisation with International Acquis, create legal-normative solutions for achieving SDGs.
Currently, the boldest developmental campaigns worldwide, which are happening under Global Green Agenda umbrella, are those that are green. Not only do they represent foundation for powerful intersection between policy and technology, they also explicitly emphasise the justice aspect of sustainable development through mainstreaming Brown Agenda, a social pillar of SD.
The main activity of REI is the implementation of research and development projects, policy development and implementation projects, as well as technical assistance and capacity building projects. REI will foster innovative, just, and practical law and policy solutions to enable leaders across borders and sectors to make environmental, economic, and social progress. The Institute will:
- Perform research and analyses of complex and pressing Environmental and Climate Change challenges,
- Build the skills and capacity of countries and institutions in Environmental Governance and Law,
- Promote and disseminate the best thinking and practice in Environmental Governance and Law, and
- Convene people with diverse perspectives to build understanding through robust debate.
REI will provide its clients/partners with knowledge and capacities through the following services:
- Consulting for decision makers and for decision-making processes (public and private entities, projects, networks, communities, public organizations, businesses, IGOs, third sector organizations).
- Training expertise in Environmental Governance and Law related subjects: training schedules, production of training materials, organization of sessions, seminars, conferences, action learning, professional development tools, etc.
- Studies (M.Sc., M.A., M.St., MPhil., Ph.D., postdoc) in the areas of Environment and Climate Change.
- Research and Publications through Research Programs, Large-scale Initiatives and Research Projects.
Dr. Dejan Komatina, Strategic Director
A hydraulic engineer with over 30 years of work experience in the fields of environment and water as a university teacher, scientist, professional engineer, and manager, including a rich programme and project management experience in these fields, as well as16 years of managing international organisations dealing with the environmental and water issues.
Dr. Rade Glomazic, Executive Director
An international development professional with an extensive experience in management and the delivery of complex EU-funded climate change, environment including nature protection projects. Dr. Glomazic led more than 10 projects aimed at improving environment and climate change frameworks. He specialises in Environmental Policy and Law.
Advisory Council
HRH Prince Nikola Petrovitch Njegosh, Honorary President of the Advisory Council
The Executive Director is assisted by Regional and Country Directors of the Institute, who liaise with private and public entities and academia in the respective countries and contribute to the administrative, business development, project implementation and other activities of the Institute.
- European Law & Governance School
- Academy of European Public Law
- Academy for Transparency and Human Rights
- Institute for Justice and Growth (IJG)
- European Institute of Management and Governance
- Training Institute for Law & Governance
- Institute for Humanities and Culture - Nicos Svoronos
- Institute for the Mediterranean
- Institute for Regulatory Innovation, Delivery and Effectiveness (IRIDE)
- Brčko National School of Public Administration (BNSPA)
- The Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology (IPL)
- Institute for Sustainable Development
- Circular Economy and Climate Institute
- Institute for Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (ΙPRI)
- Tax and Accounting Academy
- Institute for Transparency & Fundamental Rights
- Institute on Crime & Criminal Justice (ICCJ)
- Center for Gender and Equality Policy Studies (CEGEPS)
- REI - Regional Environmental Institute
- Institute for Global Health Emergencies Response (IGHER)
- Institute of Sustainable Water Management and Water Law
- European Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System
- Institute of Global Rule of Law
- Mediterranean Migration and Asylum Policy Hub (MedMA)
- Institute for Higher Education, Law & Governance (IHELG)