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Institute for the Mediterranean

The Institute for the Mediterranean is an institution of the EPLO, specialized in Euro-Mediterranean relations, which operates as a think tank and an educational institution, on a level of post-graduate studies and on the basis of multidisciplinary approach. The Institute is also a research center, and a center eligible for undertaking programs and projects on relevant issues, in connection with the events and developments in the Mediterranean region.

The main objectives of the Institute are:

  • to contribute to the respect of the principles of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation aiming at establishing conditions of peace, stability, security and shared prosperity for all the peoples in the Mediterranean,
  • to improve the understanding and awareness of the peoples in the area,
  • to encourage and foster debate and actions on relevant issues and efforts aiming at establishing state of law and good governance,
  • to contribute to the peaceful settlement of disputes,
  • to promote dialogue between cultures and civilizations,
  • to contribute towards creating conditions for the respect of cultural heritage in the world.

The activities of the Institute span over political, economic, social, cultural and educational fields.

In the framework of the objectives of the EPLO, the activities of the Institute include:

  • the establishing of appropriate structures for teaching and research,
  • the offering of necessary expertise on Mediterranean issues to authorities and institutions,
  • the enhancement of permanent dialogue on Mediterranean policy via discussions, meetings, seminars, publications etc,
  • cooperation with relevant institutions in Greece and abroad,
  • International student exchange programs.

The Director of the Institute was the late Ambassador Sotirios Varouxakis.

An Advisory Council, composed of experts from academic fields of study, foreign relations and mass media assists the Director.


  • Vassilis Papaioannou, Ambassador a.h., Athens
  • Dimitrios Chrysochoou, Professor, Νational and Kapodistrian University, Athens
  • Marianna Papadopoulou, Expert-Minister Plenipontentiary, MFA, Athens
  • Petros Troupiotis, Journalist, Athens