Institute for Higher Education, Law & Governance (IHELG)
The Institute for Higher Education Law and Governance (IHELG) is home to sponsored research and academic programmes and projects that examine higher education systems and policy issues from a wide range of analytical perspectives, including those of social scientists, policy makers, and institutional leaders from across sectors within Europe and abroad.
The Institute is composed by a multi-disciplinary group of faculty, researchers and graduate students housed in the European Public Law Organization (EPLO).
The Institute has been established in order to promote the research, development of studies, opinions, education and training in the field of higher education studies of a global or multinational dimension. The field of interest of the IHELG includes the study and research of situations characterized as global and/or international higher education studies with the aim to identify and to analyze the instruments to be used for their management, the models of public communication, the impact of policies, the best practices used both at legislative and administrative level.
IHELG encourages and (co) organizes analyses, studies, researches, conferences, lectures, seminars, discussions, meetings and publications in the field of higher education studies. It also stimulates academic, university and public interest in the knowledge, reasoning, theory and management of higher education systems at national, European and international level.
As concerns its educational activities, the IHELG encourages and (co) organises academic and research courses, study and training programs, practical activities in the field of expertise.
The Institute provides opinions and prepares reports in the field of expertise as well for the benefit of different organisations, institutions and official bodies at European and international level.
The Institute is under the responsibility of its Director and the Advisory Council.
The Director of the Institute collaborates with the Management and other services of the EPLO in order to secure material feasibility, planning and execution of their decisions.
The IHELG, affiliated to the ELGS, also constitutes a postgraduate institute of Higher Education of the EPLO.
The Advisory Council is composed of scientists and experts of fields relative to Higher Education studies from all over the world, offering its academic experience.
Director: Prof. Luca Lantero
Advisory Council:
Mr. Gonzalo Baroni Boces - President of the Buenos Aires Convention Committee - Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (Uruguay)
Dr. Borhene Chackroun - Director of Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems (UNESCO)
Prof. Federico Cinquepalmi - Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Prof. Juan Gustavo Corvalán - Director of UBA IALAB (Argentina)
Prof. Cecilia Costa - Università Roma Tre (Italy)
Prof. Michael Draper - Swansea University (United Kingdom)
Prof. Nicola Ferrigni - Università degli studi della Tuscia (Italy)
Ms. Chiara Finocchietti - President (ENIC)
Prof. Lamine Gueye - President of Addis Convention Committee - ANAQ-Sup (Senegal)
Prof. Taiji Hotta - Hiroshima University (Japan)
Ms. Aitzhan Kulumzhanova - Higher Education Development National Center (Kazakhstan)
Dr. Enzo Lefevre Cervini - Digital Workplace information management (European Commission)
Prof. Antonella Martini - Università di Pisa (Italy)
Prof. Phil Newton - Swansea University (United Kingdom)
Mr. Villano Qiriazi - Head of Education Department (Council of Europe)
Ms. Serena Spitalieri - President of APICE (Italy)
Ms. Kateryna Suprun - Tampere University, ARISE (Finland/Ukraine)
- European Law & Governance School
- Academy of European Public Law
- Academy for Transparency and Human Rights
- Institute for Justice and Growth (IJG)
- European Institute of Management and Governance
- Training Institute for Law & Governance
- Institute for Humanities and Culture - Nicos Svoronos
- Institute for the Mediterranean
- Institute for Regulatory Innovation, Delivery and Effectiveness (IRIDE)
- Brčko National School of Public Administration (BNSPA)
- The Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology (IPL)
- Institute for Sustainable Development
- Circular Economy and Climate Institute
- Institute for Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (ΙPRI)
- Tax and Accounting Academy
- Institute for Transparency & Fundamental Rights
- Institute on Crime & Criminal Justice (ICCJ)
- Center for Gender and Equality Policy Studies (CEGEPS)
- REI - Regional Environmental Institute
- Institute for Global Health Emergencies Response (IGHER)
- Institute of Sustainable Water Management and Water Law
- European Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System
- Institute of Global Rule of Law
- Mediterranean Migration and Asylum Policy Hub (MedMA)
- Institute for Higher Education, Law & Governance (IHELG)