- Entities
- European Law & Governance School
- Academy of European Public Law
- Academy for Transparency and Human Rights
- European Institute of Management and Governance
- Institute for Justice and Growth (IJG)
- Training Institute for Law & Governance
- Institute for Humanities and Culture - Nicos Svoronos
- Institute for the Mediterranean
- Institute for Regulatory Innovation, Delivery and Effectiveness (IRIDE)
- Brčko National School of Public Administration (BNSPA)
- The Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology (IPL)
- Institute for Sustainable Development
- Circular Economy and Climate Institute
- Institute for Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (ΙPRI)
- Institute of Sustainable Water Management and Water Law
- European Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System
- Institute of Global Rule of Law
- Tax and Accounting Academy
- Institute on Crime & Criminal Justice (ICCJ)
- Center for Gender and Equality Policy Studies (CEGEPS)
- REI - Regional Environmental Institute
- Institute for Global Health Emergencies Response (IGHER)
- Institute for Transparency & Fundamental Rights
- Mediterranean Migration and Asylum Policy Hub (MedMA)
- Institute for Higher Education, Law & Governance (IHELG)
- Cooperation And Partnerships
- Activity Reports
- Locations
- Contact us
- Education & Training
- Degree Programs
- ELGS Degree Programs
- LLM in International Economic Law (IEL)
- Joint International Master’s in European and Comparative Public Law with La Sapienza
- Double Degree Bachelor Program
- Seminars & Training Courses
- Academy for Transparency and Human Rights Programs
- Preparatory Program for the National School of Judges
- Seminar on Islamic Law
- Distance Learning Program for Greek Civil Servants
- Activities of the Institute for Humanities & Culture-Nicos Svoronos
- Environmental Governance Training School (UNEP/MAP MEPIELAN)
- Series of Events
- EGPL Annual Reunions
- EPLO Malta Meetings
- Pan-European Bratislava Meetings
- John Anastopoulos International Lecture Series
- Manuel Chrysoloras International Lecture Series
- Revision Of The Hellenic Constitution Series
- The Discussions Of Janus
- Court Of Audit Lecture Series
- Bucharest Lecture Series
- Odessa Lecture Series
- Wolfson College, Cambridge Sir David Williams -European Legal Dialogues
- Stand Alone Events
- Calendar
The EPLO Mission to the United Nations represents EPLO and serves as the EPLO delegation to the United Nations headquarters in New York. The Mission seeks to promote common universal values for peace, human rights, solidarity and the rule of law around the globe and in a fruitful dialogue of cultures.
On November 1st 2018, the General Assembly of the United Nations, at its 31st plenary meeting and under the agenda item 176, adopted resolution A/73/462 titled “Observer status for the European Public Law Organization in the General Assembly” which: «invites the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) to participate in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly in the capacity of observer; and requests the Secretary-General to take the action necessary to implement the present resolution».
This has been the outcome of a long process that was initiated by Portugal and was adopted unanimously by all member states.
The Permanent Mission of EPLO to the UN is headed by Permanent Representative and Ambassador Barbara Faedda.
On 21 May 2019, Ambassador Barbara Faedda, Ph.D. presented her credentials to the Secretary-General of the U.N., António Guterres: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqCadU3OG7Q. Dr. Faedda is also the Executive Director of the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies at Columbia University in NYC. She received her Ph.D. in Legal Anthropology and Social Science from the Università degli Studi Orsola Benincasa, Naples, after studying at Sapienza Università di Roma, in Paris at the Summer Institute of International & Comparative Law (co-sponsored by Cornell Law School and Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), and at Boston University (as a visiting scholar). Dr. Faedda is Adjunct Associate Professor in Columbia's Department of Italian, where she teaches courses on contemporary Italy. She is the author and a contributor to various volumes and manuscripts. Her recent publications include From Da Ponte to the Casa Italiana: A Brief History of Italian Studies at Columbia (Columbia University Press, 2017); “An Italian Perspective on the U.S.-Italy Relationship”, in Italy in the White House: A Conversation on Historical Perspectives, David M. Rubenstein National Center for White House History, The White House Historical Association, 2016; Present and Future Memory. Holocaust Studies at the Italian Academy (2008-2016), ed., Italian Academy Publications, Columbia University, 2016; “Neurolaw: come le neuroscienze potrebbero cambiar el’antropologia giuridica,” in Antropologia giuridica. Etnografie e temiattuali, A. De Lauri ed., Mondadori Universita’ 2013; L’immigration law statunitense,” with L.Melchionna, in Regioni, Immigrazione e Diritti Sociali, E. Rossi, F. Biondi Dal Monte, M. Vrenna, eds., Scuola Superiore S. Anna of Pisa, Il Mulino 2012; and “We are not racists, but we do not want immigrants,” in Integration, Globalization and Racialization: Theories and Perspectives on Immigration, J. Capetillo, G. Jacobs, P. Kretsedemas, eds., Routledge 2012.
Barbara Faedda was born in Rome, Italy, and she has Italian and U.S.A. citizenship. She is married to an attorney and they have a daughter.

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- Entities
- European Law & Governance School
- Academy of European Public Law
- Academy for Transparency and Human Rights
- European Institute of Management and Governance
- Institute for Justice and Growth (IJG)
- Training Institute for Law & Governance
- Institute for Humanities and Culture - Nicos Svoronos
- Institute for the Mediterranean
- Institute for Regulatory Innovation, Delivery and Effectiveness (IRIDE)
- Brčko National School of Public Administration (BNSPA)
- The Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology (IPL)
- Institute for Sustainable Development
- Circular Economy and Climate Institute
- Institute for Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (ΙPRI)
- Tax and Accounting Academy
- Institute on Crime & Criminal Justice (ICCJ)
- Center for Gender and Equality Policy Studies (CEGEPS)
- REI - Regional Environmental Institute
- Institute for Global Health Emergencies Response (IGHER)
- Institute for Transparency & Fundamental Rights
- Institute of Sustainable Water Management and Water Law
- European Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System
- Institute of Global Rule of Law
- Mediterranean Migration and Asylum Policy Hub (MedMA)
- Institute for Higher Education, Law & Governance (IHELG)
- Cooperation And Partnerships
- Annual Reports
- Locations
- Education & Training
- Degree Programs
- ELGS Degree Programs
- LLM in International Economic Law (IEL)
- Joint International Master’s in European and Comparative Public Law with La Sapienza
- Double Degree Bachelor Program
- Seminars & Training Courses
- Academy for Transparency and Human Rights Programs
- Preparatory Program for the National School of Judges
- Seminar on Islamic Law
- Distance Learning Program for Greek Civil Servants
- Activities of the Institute for Humanities & Culture-Nicos Svoronos
- Environmental Governance Training School (UNEP/MAP MEPIELAN)
- Series of Events
- EGPL Annual Reunions
- EPLO Malta Meetings
- Pan-European Bratislava Meetings
- John Anastopoulos International Lecture Series
- Manuel Chrysoloras International Lecture Series
- Revision Of The Hellenic Constitution Series
- The Discussions Of Janus
- Court Of Audit Lecture Series
- Bucharest Lecture Series
- Odessa Lecture Series
- Wolfson College, Cambridge Sir David Williams -European Legal Dialogues
- Stand Alone Events