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Institute for Regulatory Innovation, Delivery and Effectiveness (IRIDE)

The Institute for Regulatory Innovation, Delivery and Effectiveness (IRIDE) has been established by the EPLO to promote the effective and efficient delivery of good quality regulation on the basis of international good practices. It reflects an outcomes-focused, evidence-driven, and risk-based approach to regulation, regulatory practices, and public service, delivery.

IRIDE aims to contribute to improved effectiveness in achieving key regulatory outcomes, strengthened public trust, and greater efficiency for both public and private sectors. To this end:

a) It contributes to a better understanding of how regulatory systems function, and how regulatory objectives can be more effectively and efficiently achieved. It actively supports the dissemination of this knowledge among all stakeholders.

b) It offers support to governments and public administrations in achieving their objectives through the effective design and delivery of regulation.

c) It promotes innovative policies and instruments, as well as agile regulation capable of addressing ongoing and future challenges - in particular related to global emergencies such as climate change.

The administration

IRIDE is managed and administered by the Governing Board, its Director, who is in charge of IRIDE’s operations and the Academic Coordinator, who is responsible for its academic activities.

Mission / Activities

The Institute seeks to serve as a think tank, a center of learning and excellence, and a project leader on issues relevant to regulatory delivery. More specifically it aims to:

  • Promote innovation and applied innovative policies and practices in regulatory systems, for the general interest of the public, and provide advice and support to governments and public administrations in introducing and implementing these policies and practices
  • Conduct directly, as well as support and promote, research on regulatory delivery and policy innovation
  • Perform analysis and assessment of regulatory systems and provide evidence-based recommendations for their reform and improvement
  • Provide technical assistance in order to assist policymakers, regulators, and the public administration at large, with a view of enhancing public service and improve the way they deliver regulation to more effectively and efficiently achieve the desired outcomes
  • Offer training, capacity and institution-building activities that will enhance public servants’ competencies, and public services’ capabilities and management
  • Promote sharing of knowledge and experience among government authorities, public and private entities from around the world, entrepreneurs, social and policy innovators, civil society, as well as IOs
  • Cultivate synergies between regulatory researchers, businesses, NGOs, public institutions (international, national, and local) and authorities in the aforementioned sectors and areas.

Kindly check the activities of IRIDE at this brochure