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EPLO Policies

1. Gender Equality Plan 

a. Introduction

This action plan sets out organizational priorities for addressing gender equality, and identifies activities and monitoring plans. Equality of opportunity is core to EPLO mission and gender balance is a critical component for the Organization to ensure fair access and equity for our research, managerial and support staff. The EPLO following international, community and internal standards, commits to the promotion of equality of opportunities between women and men in its principles and priorities. This Gender Equality Plan (GEP) was prepared by the Office of Legal Affairs of the EPLO.  Responsible for the implementation of GEP is the Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM). The occupation of OHRM for the design and implementation of this GEP is part of its existing tasks. In addition, the OHRM will be responsible for the identification and collection of quantitative data (indicators) of gender equality, in order to expedite the process. In parallel with the implementation of GEP, its dissemination and communication actions within the Organization are foreseen, with the support of General Director’s for Management authorities. As mentioned above, the OHRM is responsible for the implementation of GEP. The OHRM, where it deems necessary, can mobilize staff from all over the Organization to participate in various implementation steps (data collection through questionnaires, participation in working groups, etc.).

The EPLO, following the international, European and domestic standards, through the design and implementation of the GEP, sets as goals:

  • Ensuring, strengthening and integrating substantial equality in teaching, research and administrative procedures of the Organization.
  • Promoting gender equality within the Organization through institutional and organizational change.
  • Providing training to members of the Organization on issues related to gender and equality and the development of corresponding skills.
  • Promoting equality and fight against stereotypes and sexism in all areas of operation of the Organization (communication, teaching, research, decision-making positions, etc.).
  • Integrating gender equality dimension in research and teaching.
  • Cultivating and encouraging a culture of peaceful coexistence, cooperation and dialogue between sexes.

It is noted that the concept of "gender equality" includes any relevant self-identification.

In order to achieve the above goals, THE EPLO focuses on four thematic areas, following the guidelines of the European Commission (EC, 2021). These thematic areas, as will be developed in the following sections, are the following:

  1. Work – life balance and organizational culture.
  2. Gender Balance in leadership and decision-making positions.
  3. Gender Equality in recruitment and career progression.
  4. Measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment.

At the same time, the European Institute for Gender Equality is taken into account with the aim of "recognizing and implementing innovative strategies for promoting cultural change and equal opportunities in Academic and Research Organizations" (EIGE, https://eige.europa.eu/).

GEP has a dynamic character and this document is going to be updated every year, with the appropriate modifications, corrections and updates, as they ensue from the analysis of the annual data. In particular, the annual Report 2022 aims to:

  • Investigate and record the current situation in matters of gender equality in the  EPLO, through the  identification and calculation of quantitative and qualitative indicators
  • Conduct training and information one-day conferences
  • Implement dissemination actions of the plans and activities of the OHRM.

The annual Report, will contain targeted actions to strengthen equality where necessary. The forthcoming Report will be based on  data that will be collected annually and will contain improvements, corrections and updates as it will arise from the actions, information exchange during the one-day conferences, recording of the relevant material, etc.


2. Child Protection Policy

Date: 04 September 2023

The EPLO is committed to provide and maintain a caring learning environment which promotes its core values, and prevents and addresses child abuse and exploitation.
The EPLO strongly condemns all forms of child abuse and exploitation and always respond to any case of proven, alleged or attempted abuse within its field of function and influence according to its nature.
Efforts ensure that mechanisms are in place to raise awareness, aid prevention, encourage reporting and ease response. They range from human resource development actions such as training and counselling to legal actions where needed.

EPLO Child Protection Policy is based on:
1. Our vision, mission and values
2. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
3. Experience and input of stakeholders from various partnerships as great value is placed upon their views
4. Τhe guidelines of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority as far as it concerns child protection
5. The International Child Safeguarding Standards of Keeping Children Safe.

EPLO works in accordance with the UNCRC: The best interest of the child is our primary consideration. Every child has the right to develop to his or her full potential, to quality education, participation and non-discrimination. Everybody has the responsibility to protect children from all forms of abuse, abandonment, exploitation, violence anddiscrimination.

The key parts of EPLO Child Protection Policy include:
1. Awareness: Raise awareness of child abuse and its risks
2. Prevention: Provide guidance on how to safeguard children from abuse
3. Reporting: Set up and adhere to a clear and simple reporting procedure
4. Responding: Ensure clear action is taken when child abuse is suspected or reported

This policy document is binding for all employees of EPLO. Based on this policy paper, each co-worker and partner shall define clear reporting and responding structures, as well as consistent crisis management plans to bring child protection to life in its field and region.
Every child is potentially at risk of abuse and exploitation. Some children may be more vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, due to various forms of discrimination and marginalization relating to their socio-economic status, gender, disability, ethnicity, caste, or living situation.

Therefore, it is crucial that every person connected with EPLO understands what constitutes child abuse, as well as his or her own role and responsibilities in protecting children.
Any definition of child abuse first requires a definition of the child. According to the UNCRC a child is “every human being below the age of 18 years unless national law recognizes the age of majority earlier”.

EPLO recognizes that child abuse and exploitation take place in all countries and societies around the world. Trying to define it as a world phenomenon is still difficult because of the vast cultural, religious, social, political, legal and economic differences that children experience.

EPLO respects all cultures and religions; within a broad intercultural and interdisciplinary approach we have attempted to create a unified frame. In order to prevent and respond to child abuse, it is crucial that we as an organization reach a common understanding as to what child abuse is and in which circumstances our policies and procedures apply.

Furthermore, EPLO is committed to broader awareness-raising, prevention and advocacy work within communities and national authorities to promote the protection of children’s rights.
The UNCRC provides an international framework outlining children’s rights to protection from abuse and neglect (article 19), discrimination (article 2) and different forms of exploitation (articles 32-36); special consideration is given to children deprived of parental care (article 20), refugee children (article 22), children at risk of developing a drug habit (article 33), children who are deprived of their liberty (article 37, 40), children in situations of armed conflict (article 38, 40).

EPLO further recognizes the importance of children’s participation, empowering girls and boys to speak up against all forms of abuse, acting as agents of self-protection and the protection of their peers.

More info on the policies of the EPLO can be found attached at the upper part of the page on your right hand side.