Ιανουάριος 23 2025
Πρόσκληση για μόνιμο ακαδημαϊκό προσωπικό για το ELGS Αθηνών, Ρώμης και Cascais
H European Law and Governance School (ELGS) είναι ένα ίδρυμα τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης που ιδρύθηκε από τον Ευρωπαϊκό Οργανισμό Δημοσίου Δικαίου (EPLO), έναν διεθνή οργανισμό, αφιερωμένο στη δημιουργία και τη διάδοση γνώσεων στον τομέα του Δημοσίου Δικαίου lato sensu και της Διακυβέρνησης (www. elgs.eu). Το ELGS έχει την έδρα του στη Ρώμη της Ιταλίας και επιπλέον οι τίτλοι σπουδών του αναγνωρίζονται από την Ιταλική Δημοκρατία ως ισότιμοι με τους τίτλους που προσφέρουν τα Ιταλικά Πανεπιστήμια. Το ELGS διαθέτει επίσης πανεπιστημιουπόλεις στην Αθήνα (κύρια πανεπιστημιούπολη), στο Κασκάις στην Πορτογαλία και στην Τιφλίδα.
Το ELGS προσφέρει προπτυχιακά και μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα στους τομείς του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου και Διακυβέρνησης lato sensu. Επιπλέον, το ELGS διοργανώνει άλλα εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα, θερινά και εντατικά προγράμματα για σύγχρονα θέματα συμβάλλοντας στον δημόσιο διάλογο και τονώνοντας νέες ιδέες και προκλήσεις. Τα προγράμματα πραγματοποιούνται κυρίως in situ και φοιτητές έρχονται από όλο τον κόσμο.
Το ELGS επιδιώκει να διορίσει έως 3 άτομα ως μόνιμο διδακτικό προσωπικό ξεκινώντας από το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2025-2026 για κάθε πανεπιστημιούπολη του στην Αθήνα (Ελλάδα), τη Ρώμη (Ιταλία) και το Κασκάις (Πορτογαλία) (συνολικά: έως 9)
Οι διορισμοί είναι για ένα έτος με δυνατότητα ανανέωσης έως πέντε έτη κατ' ανώτατο όριο και υπόκεινται σε επίσημη σύμβαση εργασίας με την EPLO. Το μόνιμο διδακτικό προσωπικό θα λάβει τον ακαδημαϊκό τίτλο που αντιστοιχεί στα προσόντα του. Στο τέλος του πέμπτου έτους, μπορεί να προσφερθεί θητεία στο διδακτικό προσωπικό.
Τα κύρια καθήκοντα και αρμοδιότητες για το μόνιμο εκπαιδευτικό προσωπικό περιγράφονται στην προκήρυξη παρακάτω αναλυτικά:
• Teach in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs as well as in the other educational programs run by ELGS or the academic programs affiliated to it, up to a maximum of 234 hours every academic year.
• Prepare the structure of courses and their syllabus development, prepare the teaching material and indicate the studying material for the students.
• Manage and support the organization of workshops, webinars, training activities and open lectures.
• Supervise thesis and assignments.
• Conduct research projects, pursue independent research and participate in drafting proposals for funded research programs.
• Assist institutes, academies, commissions of the ELGS and EPLO in their mission and scientific activities.
• Produce at least one piece of original academic work per year to be published in academic journals of the EPLO and/or in other academic journals mentioning the affiliation with the ELGS.
• Participate in the administrative life of ELGS and should show willingness to work in a team. All should also demonstrate enthusiasm for teaching and supporting students throughout their academic training.
The position will primarily operate out in the assigned duty station, but teaching out of the facilities in the other EPLO/ELGS campuses or any other station will also be required.
Eligible candidates are scholars who:
• Hold a Ph.D/LLD/JD in Law (preferably in EU Law, International Law, Business and Economic Law, Environmental Law, Migration Law and Rule of Law) or a Ph.D or equivalent in Political Science/Government/Governance or in relevant/allied field.
• Have familiarity (research, papers, projects) with topics such as: rule of law; democratic governance; democratic erosion; transitional justice, separation of powers, judicial independence, transparency, inter alia.
• Are fluent in English. Fluency in Greek, Italian and/or Portuguese or in any other languages is an asset.
• Have a high standard of research ability.
• Have an outstanding research record and publications that are published in peer-reviewed journals, books or other.
• Show flexibility and ability to prepare and teach courses that are in a wider focus area.
Candidates who do not fulfill all the above criteria may be considered as candidates for Fellowships. Fellows do tutorials and assist Professors in the execution of their duties. Remuneration of faculty will be in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the EPLO, and the precise amount will be based upon each successful candidate’s experience and capacity. Successful candidates shall have the right to special privileges granted to personnel working for international organizations according to the EPLO’s Headquarters Agreement.
Indicatively, the gross salary of the Resident teaching staff including insurance and retirement plan (as from the 3rd year of service), may be between 30.000 and 40.000 Euro per annum based on the qualifications of the selected candidates.
Eligible applicants should submit their full curriculum vitae, copies of their degrees and transcripts, and a motivation letter listing their academic, teaching and professional experience along with the names and contact information of at least two references.
Submission shall be made until Friday 28 February 2025, included, to recruitment@elgs.eu.
Selection Process
A high-profile selection committee consisted of academics and members of the management of ELGS/EPLO will review all the CVs and they will make a short list. The candidates included in the short list will be invited for an interview before the final selection. The applicants will be assessed by the Faculty Board of the ELGS according to the following criteria:
• Academic qualifications.
• Research record and publications.
• Teaching experience in English.
Candidates are responsible for checking their eligibility requirements to take up the post under the relevant immigration regulations and, if shortlisted, they will be required to provide documentary evidence to support their right to reside and work in the countries of their duty station. Please note that successful applicants will be granted a Letter of Invitation to support their request for a visa.
The EPLO has every right to withdraw, postpone or cease the recruitment procedure at any phase. Expenses incurred by the Applicant related to this process are their sole responsibility and will not be reimbursed. The EPLO operates as an equal opportunities’ employer.
All personal data provided by applicants submitting their applications for selection will be processed for the purposes connected to this call or similar calls that will take place in the following 5 years. Therefore, CVs will be safely archived by the ELGS for further consideration. Candidates must provide their personal data in order to enable assessment of application requirements. Applicants are entitled to legally exercise the right to access their personal data, as well as complementary rights such as the right to amend, update or cancel all data that are inaccurate, incomplete or have not been collected in keeping with law provisions.
For more information on the EPLO and on the ELGS, please visit www.eplo.int and www.elgs.eu, respectively.