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July 20 2020
Call for Experts: "Support to EU Integration Process in Albania”
The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) has been shortlisted for the project "Support to EU Integration process in Albania” (Europeaid/140578/DH/SER/AL).
The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the Government of Albania to successfully manage the overall EU integration process and effectively conduct the Stabilization and Association Agreement process and accession negotiations.
The indicative start date is in November 2020 and the planned project duration is 24 months.
In this framework, the EPLO is seeking qualified candidates for the two Key Expert positions in the project: 1) Team Leader; 2) Expert in European integration and capacity building. The mandatory requirements for the positions are listed below.
Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV in EuropeAid format, specifying the position, as soon as possible to info@eplo.int.
Team leader (Indicative 420 working days)
Qualifications and skills:
- University Degree in law, public administration, public management, or any other relevant area for the project, or a relevant professional experience of at least five years, in addition to the experience required as general professional experience;
- Fluency in written and spoken English.
General professional experience:
- Minimum eight preferably ten years of professional post-graduate experience in EU policies or EU integration in an EU Member State or candidate/potential candidate country.
Specific professional experience:
- Minimum five preferably eight years of working experience in the transposition, implementation and enforcement of the EU acquis;
- Experience in coordination, managing and leading working teams in the public or private sector/organizations or in donor-funded projects in minimum one project with a budget of at least 1 million EUR and duration of minimum 12 months.
- Experience on policy planning/coordination related to the EU acquis gained in an EU Member State or Candidate/Potential Candidate Country will be considered as an asset.
Key expert 2: Expert in European integration and capacity building (Indicative 420 working days)
Qualifications and skills:
- University Degree in public administration, law, public management, human resources or any other relevant area for the project or a relevant professional experience of at least five years, in addition to the experience required as general professional experience;
- Fluency in written and spoken English;
- Fluency in written and spoken Albanian will be considered an asset.
General professional experience:
- Minimum five preferably seven years of professional experience on capacity building and/or institutional strengthening.
Specific professional experience:
- Participation in at least two contracts on capacity building and/or institutional strengthening, related to EU accession process in an EU Member State or Candidate/Potential Candidate Country.
- Knowledge of the legal system of the Republic of Albania and its institutional framework will be considered as an asset.
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- Entities
- European Law & Governance School
- Academy of European Public Law
- Academy for Transparency and Human Rights
- European Institute of Management and Governance
- Institute for Justice and Growth (IJG)
- Training Institute for Law & Governance
- Institute for Humanities and Culture - Nicos Svoronos
- Institute for the Mediterranean
- Institute for Regulatory Innovation, Delivery and Effectiveness (IRIDE)
- Brčko National School of Public Administration (BNSPA)
- The Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology (IPL)
- Institute for Sustainable Development
- Circular Economy and Climate Institute
- Institute for Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (ΙPRI)
- Tax and Accounting Academy
- Institute on Crime & Criminal Justice (ICCJ)
- Center for Gender and Equality Policy Studies (CEGEPS)
- REI - Regional Environmental Institute
- Institute for Global Health Emergencies Response (IGHER)
- Institute for Transparency & Fundamental Rights
- Institute of Sustainable Water Management and Water Law
- European Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System
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