Women in International Migration. Addressing ethnic-racial discrimination, socioeconomic and health inequalities and gender-based violence.
22-27 July, 2024
Athens and Sounion – In situ
In collaboration with MEDMA – An agency of the EPLO
- Α 6-day program in English will investigate the developments in challenges regarding ethnic and racial inequalities, health disparities and precarity, integration and social exclusion of migrant and refugee women in reception societies.
- Open for Practitioners, NGO Professionals, Researchers & Post-Graduate Students of all disciplines (i.e. Sociology, Social Policy, International Relations, Human Rights, and Economics et al.)
- Meet key academics and experts working in the field
- On-Site visits to Accomdation facilities and NGOs
- Doctoral students and researchers will have the opportunity to present their PhD/research at the PhD Seminar
The Context
The presence of women in migration flows is not a new element, as females have always been an important component of international migration. Women are migrating alone, as heads of households and also as economically active individuals, while fewer than in the past are migrating as dependents of their spouses. This development of international migration has been recorded in literature under the term “feminisation of migration” (Castles & Miller, 1998:16). Forms of female migration include those who migrate alone or before their husbands, as both the labour market and the gender division of labour in reception countries offer them better employment and economic prospects, notwithstanding severe limitations in their rights.In this context, the course 8th Migration Summer School (MIGSS): “Women in International Migration: Addressing ethnic-racial discrimination, socioeconomic and health inequalities and gender-based violence” has been carefully designed and developed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the impact of investigate the impact of women’s migration trajectory, social networks and contextual conditions on their integration or marginalisation in host societies. This will be achieved through lectures and discussions led by international scholars, professors and experts and study visits. This program is organized by the European Public Law Organization (EPLO). The MIGSS will take place from 22 July – 27 July 2024.
About the course
This 6-day course 8th Migration Summer School (MIGSS): “Women in International Migration: Addressing ethnic-racial discrimination, socioeconomic and health inequalities and gender-based violence” will investigate the impact of women’s migration trajectory, social networks and contextual conditions on their integration or marginalisation in host societies.
Addressed to
As this program is interdisciplinary in nature, it is open to all disciplines (such as Sociology, Social Policy, International Relations, Human Rights, Economics et al.) and applicants are welcome from the postgraduate level and up, PhD candidates, researchers, NGO professionals. Doctoral students and researchers will have the opportunity to present their PhD/research at the PhD Seminar, pending a minimum of five students are enrolled in the seminar.
As this program is interdisciplinary by nature, it is open to all disciplines (such as Sociology, Social Policy, International Relations, Human Rights, Economics et al.) and applicants from an undergraduate level of studies and beyond are welcome, including but not limited to postgraduate students, PhD candidates, researchers, and NGO professionals. Doctoral students and researchers will have the opportunity to present their PhD/research at the PhD Seminar, provided a minimum of five students are enrolled in the seminar.
Participants will be awarded a certificate of attendance at the end of the program, after demonstrating their full and active participation throughout the 6-day course. The program does not require written work to be submitted or exams to be taken.
Credits info
8 ECTS: Participants who wish to obtain ECTS are required to submit an essay of approx. 5.000 words at the end of the Summer School on a topic related to the lectures of the MIGSS and supervised by a lecturer of their choice. Deadline for essay submission: 1st September 2024.
The Summer School program is offered in English.
550€ which includes: tuition fees, transportation cost from the hotel in Sounion to the lecture hall, study visits arrangement and transportation.
How to Apply
Applicants should submit an updated CV and letter of motivation in English to summerschools@elgs.eu, T: +30 211 311 0 671 by July 2, 2024.
Practical Information:
Students are invited to secure their own accommodation and transportation, or may opt for an accommodation package that is provided through the EPLO. Participants will be accommodated at the seaside premises of the EPLO at Sounion, Greece or at a partner hotel. Accommodation is on a first-come-first-serve basis and students interested in this package should inquire at summerschools@elgs.eu
The program takes place at EPLO facilities in Sounion, one hour away from Athens by car, overlook the Aegean Sea and are located by the bay of Cape Sounion, where the ancient Temple of Poseidon rests. Participants will have access to EPLO facilities, which include a resource library, study room, and sports facilities.
Students are encouraged to bring a laptop in order to study relevant references and reading material including statistics, maps, reports, scientific articles on aspects of the phenomenon of migration and refugee flows and presentations used by the speakers.
2024 Instructors
Soon to be announced.
Course Leader/Scientific Responsible:
Theodoros Fouskas, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Policy, School of Public Health, University of West Attic, Greece and EPLO.

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