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Thursday, 20 March 2025

"Who rules this digital world...?" Event by the Institute for Privacy Law (IPL)

The event organised by the Institute for Privacy Law, Personal Data Protection and Technology on Tuesday 18 March 2025 at the European Public Law Organisation's event hall in Plaka, on the topic: "Who rules this digital world...?"

The event was graced with the participation and the interesting presentations that kept the attention of the audience undiminished by Mr.:

  • Dimitris Gerogiannis, President of the Artificial Intelligence Group-AI Catalyst
  • Anna Diamantopoulou, President of the Network for Reform in Greece and Europe
  • Vassilis Karkatzounis, Lawyer specializing in New Technologies, LL.M., PhD (c.)
  • Grigoris Kotsikaris, President of iKnowHow Group
  • Michalis Kritikos, Policy Analyst on AI Ethics and Trustworthy Governance of AI, Directorate-General for Research & Innovation, European Commission, Secretary of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE)
  • Yannis Mastrogeorgiou, Special Secretary for Long Term Planning at the Presidency of the Government, Coordinator of the Committee on AI

The event and the interesting discussion that followed were moderated by Ms. Lillian Mitrou, Professor at the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Aegean, and President of the Institute for Privacy Law, Personal Data Protection and Technology.

A multifaceted, high-level dialogue was held regarding the central concern of the event, namely the question of who and to what extent can define, reform and essentially control the digital world that has emerged from the rapid technological developments at a global level, culminating in the spread of artificial intelligence applications in every aspect of our personal, economic, political and general life.

The criticality of the above question was highlighted, as any answer to it is directly related to fundamental individual and broader social rights. At the same time, the importance of the role of the legislator was highlighted, as well as the fact that the challenge of the institutional treatment and regulation of the "digital world" should reflect the frenetic pace of technological developments for the benefit of society, while it should not be forgotten that any legislative initiative. It should be borne in mind that any legislative initiative, for example at the national and European level, is in fact seen to be in essence, an intervention in the private initiative of this increasingly emerging sector of the economy.

The keynote address was delivered by Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the European Public Law Organisation, as well as Nicholas Kanellopoulos, President of the Institute for Justice and Development and Executive Director of the Institute for Privacy Law, Personal Data Protection and Technology.

The European Public Law Organization were honored with the presence of representatives of the legal, judicial and academic world, IT scientists and data protection officers (DPOs) of many public and private institutions, public administration officials, students of the country's law schools, as well as many young lawyers and lawyers.

tags: EPLO, IPL, Digital, AI, data protection