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Thursday, 16 January 2025

The Greek Pilot of VRDigiJust project: “Digitalizing Justice via Combined Virtual Reality Training” has been initiated

Greek Pilot: “European Arrest Warrant”

On the 16th of January 2025 the VR-DigiJust project organized the Greek pilot concerning the “European Arrest Warrant”, at EPLOs offices in Plaka.

The action focused on piloting the VR-DigiJust model, evaluating and preparing it for the final training of the target group in Greece. The thematic of the pilot was on the European Arrest Warrant, with trainees testing the use of VR tools designed for simulations through role-playing games, on the virtual platform VR JUDICIAL ACADEMY.

Trainees were invited to test the classic procedures of their trial, selecting, completing or combining different EU tools, in the context of different types of cooperation with the help of AVATARS.

Attendees of the pilot were judges and prosecutors from various regions of Greece, discussing, among other things, issues related to the European Arrest Warrant while posing specific questions to the AVATARS of the virtual reality platform. Finally, the participants had the opportunity to identify and indicate challenges and elements for improving the platform.

Finally, trainees evaluated the action before and after the training, with the aim of providing feedback for the improvement of the training program that will be developed in spring 2025.

The VR-DigiJust project contributes to the effective and coherent application of specific EU cooperation instruments at regional level through a decentralized cross-border and cross-professional training strategy in the framework of Council Conclusions 6926/21 during the project lifecycle. It focuses on the impact of new technologies on the work of regional prosecutors and their staff, judges, lawyers and bailiffs when confronted with large cascade investigations.

The project is co-financed by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, coordinated by Agenfor International (Italy), with partners the European Public Law Organization (Greece), the Hochschule fur Offentliche Verwaltung (Germany), the Chambre Nationale des Commissaires de Justice (France), the Institut Europeen de l'expertise et de l'expert (France), the Chambre Nationale des Huissiers de Justice (Belgium), the Corte di Appello di Venezia (Italy), the Procura della Repubblica Presso il Tribunale di Firenze (Italy) bringing together a consortium with diverse expertise and networks with broad reach.

tags: VRDigiJust project, Digitalizing Justice, Virtual Reality Training, greek pilot, arrest warrant