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Friday, 19 December 2014

Event-Discussion of Michel Foucault

A penetrating look in the "heretical and eccentric" French writer and philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-1984), one of the leading thinkers of  May 68, presented to the event organized by the European Public Law Organization (EPLO)to its headquarters in Kolonaki, on December 18th.

"The scientific conundrum: Michel Foucault» was the title of the event and among the speakers were: Theodoros Georgiou, professor at the Democritus University of Thrace, Socrates Delivogiatzis, professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Spiros Makris, lecturer, University of Macedonia and Researcher at the Academy of Athens. It was chaired by Professor of the University of Athens Mrs. Glykeria Siouti.

The views of Foucault, who considered  prisons, hospitals and lunatic asylums, places of society’s exclusion, attracted the interest of the audience and proof of this was the long debate that followed.

 The event was held in  cooperation of "Publications Sakkoulas