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Sunday, 15 September 2024
35th EGPL Annual Reunion and EPLO Board of Directors Meeting 2024
The EPLO is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the Board of Directors Meeting held on Thursday 12 September 2024 and the 2024 EGPL Reunion, held on 13-14 September titled " A changing Europe in a changing world" at the EPLO Premises of Legrena, Sounion.
The EPLO extends a heartfelt thank you to all participants, distinguished guests, and esteemed colleagues for making this event both memorable and insightful. Their active engagement and contributions were invaluable to the success of the gathering.
The first session focused upon "World Security" and was presided over by Dr. Vishnu Varunyou, Vice-President, Supreme Administrative Court of Thailand followed by esteemed speakers and interventions:
- The Vulnerability of the Human Subject – Narratives and Concepts in EU Law, by Prof. Martin Nettesheim, University Tübingen, Germany
- Conflict in Middle East, Israel and Palestine and its Developments by Prof. Anikó Szalai, University of Szeged, Hungary
- UN Failure and EU initiatives by Prof. Edoardo Chiti, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
- Inter arma enim silent leges – The Rule of Law during Armed Conflicts by Prof. Rumen Stefanov, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria
The second session on the ‘EU as a financial intermediary’ was presided over by Professor Monika Florczak-Wątor, Jagiellonian University, Poland acoompanied by:
- Prof. Giacinto della Cananea, Bocconi University Italy focusing on the "EU Spending Power"
- Mr. Richard Crowe, Head of Institutional and Budgetary Law unit, Legal Service of the European Parliament talking about the 'The politics of the European Budgetary Process"
- Professor Alberto Iglesias Garzón University CUNEF Spain focusing on "EU Sustainable Finance: Beyond Market Considerations".
The third session of the first day of the Annual Reunion focusing on "The Rule of Law in the European Union" was presided over by Ms. Despina Spanou, Head of Cabinet, European Commission. The panel consisted of the following:
- Populism vs Technocracy: Prof. Bertrand Mathieu, University Pantheon-Sorbonne, Former Conseiller d'Etat, France
- Access to Information: Prof. Annemarie Drahmann, University of Leiden, the Netherlands
- Rule of Law in Decline?The Quest for Progress: Prof. Marco D'Alberti, Constitutional Court, Italy
- Rule of Law and Nomination of Judges: Dr. Miriam Meßling, Federal Constitutional Court, Germany
The next day the EGPL Reunion's third session resumed presided over by Prof. Tiago Antunes, University of Lisbon, Portugal. The panel consisted of:
- Ambassador Nicholas Emiliou, Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union.who talked about "The ECJ and the Compliance with the Rule of Law".
- Prof. Maria Inês Quadros, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal focusing upon "Three Judicial Tools Upholding the Independence of Courts in the CJEU"
- Prof. Tudor Chiuariu, Titu Maiorescu University, Romania.
We look forward to continuing our shared commitment to advancing public law and fostering collaboration across the European legal community.