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Thursday, 18 December 2014
Opening ceremony of EPLO branch in Yerevan, Armenia
An EPLO branch was inaugurated in Yerevan, Armenia on December 17 by Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis, EPLO Director and President of the Board of Directors.
During the opening ceremony, Prof. Flogaitis noted to the local media that "the EPLO is ready to develop its activities by means of its branch in Armenia. The Organization has repeatedly invited the member-states to undertake the initiative at the local and regional levels to promote the development of public law".
According to Mr. Flogaitis, the EPLO Armenia branch will be efficiently managed by people with extensive experience and a clear idea of what our Organization is willing to develop in the member-states and in the world. "Yerevan branch will increase Organization's presence and influence on the entire region", he said.
Armenia's official representative in the EPLO, Mr. Grigor Minasyan noted that Armenia has been making great efforts to integrate into the European law system since it gained independence.
"EPLO is a serious international organization with a number of member states and dozens of globally recognized universities and other academic institutions. As a result of long-term efforts by Prof. Flogaitis and EPLO, we can say that today the first and the only branch in the region is opening in Armenia," Minasyan said.
"The integration processes have enabled Armenians lawyers to become full members of the European law community. The branch will enable our young lawyers, law students and post-graduate students to attend retraining courses at leading higher schools and European and international conferences," he emphasized.
The branch in Yerevan is the 4th of the EPLO around the world. The Organization also maintains and 8 regional offices in various cities of Europe, Asia and America. Armenia is one of the 14 countries members of the EPLO and joined the Organization in 2011.
> Here are some links of the articles about the inauguration that published on the websites of Armenia, as well, as the links of videos broadcasted by TV channels:
5. http://www.aysor.am/am/news/2014/12/17/%D5%A7%D5%B5-%D5%A7%D5%B4-%D5%A3%D6%80%D5%AB%D5%A3%D5%B8%D6%80-%D5%B4%D5%AB%D5%B6%D5%A1%D5%BD%D5%B5%D5%A1%D5%B6/886370
6. http://shabat.am/?p=34260&l=am
7. http://www.panorama.am/am/society/2014/12/17/am-low/
8. http://lurer.com/?p=167033&l=am
9. http://asekose.am/hy_AM/news/1/176774-hayastanoum-bacvel-e-hanrayin-iravounqi-evropakan-kazmakerpoutyan-grasenyake.html
11. http://www.aravot.am/2014/12/17/525987/
12. http://www.panarmenian.net/arm/photoset/7166/59325
13. http://www.1in.am/1506202.html
14. http://www.lragir.am/index/arm/0/right/view/108125
15. http://fnews.am/?p=2498836&l=am/erevanum+bacvec+hanrayin+iravunqi+evropakan+kazmakerputyan%D5%9D+taracashrjanum+miak+masnachyuxy
16. http://topnews.mediamall.am/?id=106078
17. http://www.president.am/en/press-release/item/2014/12/17/President-Serzh-Sargsyan-meeting-with-EPLO-President/
18. http://news.am/eng/news/244497.html
TV channels
1. http://www.shanttv.com/en/news/political/2014_12_17/15915/
2. http://www.armnewstv.am/news/38845
3. http://www.1tv.am/hy/videos/2014/12/17/17-12-14-17.
4. http://www.armeniatv.am/hy/news/54220

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