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Friday, 10 May 2024

5th GPN Global Conference at EPLO Rome

The EPLO Institute for Global Health Emergencies Response (IGHER) organized in collaboration with the Global Pandemic Network, Universita Di Macerta, Universita Di Urbino Carlo Bo, Sapienza Universita Di Roma, School of Advanced Study the University of London, and UN-Habitat, the 5th Global Conference, titled "One Health: international, supranational, regional and national experiences". The event took place on May 10-14 hosted at the Palazzo Altemps where the EPLO Rome office is also hosted.

Prof. Antonella Polimeni, Rector of the Sapienza University of Rome, Prof. Fabio Giglioni, Coordinator of PhD Program in Public, Comparative and International Law at the Sapienza University of Rome, Prof. Francesco De Leonardis, President of Italian Environmental Law Association, Mr. Gherardo La Francesca, Former Italian Ambassador, Ms. Isabella Saggio, Master One Health at the Sapienza University of Rome and Prof. Elisa Scotti member of the GPN steering committee and full professor at the University of Macerata participated at the opening of the 1st day session on May 10th. 

Prof. Bernardo G. Mattarella, Director of the EPLO Rome Office and full professor at LUISS University, as well as, Professor Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of EPLO who provided a welcome video speech, and Professor Matteo Gnes, Director of IGHER, had the honor of inaugurating the 2nd-day session on May 11th.

Attached is the Conference's full program. 

tags: EPLO, IGHER, Global Conference, Health Emergencies, Pandemic,