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Monday, 19 February 2024
Jordanian Leaders gain Insights in Italy with AICS-funded Study Tour
A Study Tour for the Leadership Program of the Government of Jordan was successfully held from February 19 to 23, 2024, in Caserta and Rome, Italy. The Study Tour, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), was jointly organized by the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) and the Italian National School of Administration (SNA) within the framework of the project “Support to the Institute of Public Administration of Jordan”.
The Study Tour marked the culmination of the Leadership Program of the Institute of Public Administration of Jordan (IPA) which aims to prepare a new generation of leaders in the Government of Jordan. The comprehensive leadership development program was developed by the IPA with the support of the project, in furtherance of the Public Sector Modernization Roadmap of Jordan. It was delivered through three phases over five months, encompassing more than 300 hours of training.
The Jordanian delegation comprised twelve high-level officials, directors, and managers of different public administrations in Jordan, and was led by the Director General of the IPA H.E. Siham Alkhawaldeh.
The officials participated in training workshops and laboratories at the SNA Training Center in Caserta on priority topics of the Leadership Program, such as Management of Human Resources, Designing and Evaluating Public Policies, and Digitalization of Public Administration. Subsequently, they attended workshops and seminars at the SNA Headquarters in Rome on Communication with the Press, Integrity and Anticorruption, and Improving Public Sector Effectiveness.
In Rome, the delegation participated in meetings and visits to selected Italian Institutions, including the MAECI, the SNA, and the Italian National Cybersecurity Agency (Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale - ACN).
Furthermore, the participants had the opportunity to meet Prof. Giuliano Amato, former Prime Minister of Italy, at the Instituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, as well as Prof. Bernardo Mattarella, Professor of Administrative Law at LUISS University, at the EPLO Office in Rome.
During the Study Tour, the participants were able to advance their knowledge and leadership skills, familiarize themselves with international best practices and trends, and exchange experiences and know-how with their Italian counterparts. Through the visit, the delegation also had the opportunity to establish contacts with the Italian institutions and explore opportunities for collaboration.
In the context of the Study Tour, on February 21, the Secretary General of SNA Mr. Riccardo Sisti, and the Director General of IPA H.E. Siham Alkhawaldeh signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at institutionalizing the cooperation between the two organizations in the fields of research, and training for the Public Administration. The signature ceremony took place in the presence of the Ambassador of Jordan in Italy H.E. Kais Abu Dayyeh.
As part of the event, the participants were able to visit also important Italian cultural sites and UNESCO World Heritage, including the Royal Palace of Caserta, the National Archaeological Museum of Naples and the Gallery Borghese Museum in Rome.
H.E. SihamAlkhawaldeh praised the initiative and stated: “The Study Tour was a unique opportunity for our officials and future leaders to further enhance their skills and gain valuable knowledge that will be transferred to their respective institutions in Jordan. We are very grateful to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, the Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione and the EPLO for their support and we look forward to continuing this important partnership in the future”.
The Project “Support to the Institute of Public Administration of Jordan” aims to support the IPA in strengthening its institutional and organizational capacities to effectively carry out its mandate. In this view, the 18-month Project is providing technical assistance to enhance the IPA’s capacities, support to improve the IPA’s training programs, and training of trainers’ courses.