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Monday, 27 May 2024

Water Rethink: The reuse of water in Greece as a solution to the phenomenon of water scarcity

On Monday 27th May 2024, the scientific conference entitled: "The reuse of water in Greece as a solution to the phenomenon of water scarcity", which was organized by the Institute for Sustainable Water Management and Water Law of the European Public Organization, was successfully completed, with the support of the Department of Chemistry of the Democritus University of Thrace.

The event took place at the Kavala Campus in the context of implementing the Water Rethink project funded by the Natural Environment and Innovative Actions program by the Green Fund of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

The conference was greeted by His Eminence Metropolitan Stefanos of Philippi, Neapolis, and Thasos; the Regional Governor of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Mr. Christodoulos Topsidis; the Member of Parliament for Kavala, Ms. Angeliki Delikari; the Deputy Regional Governor of Kavala, Mr. Theodoros Markopoulos; the Mayor of Kavala, Mr. Theodoros Mouriadis; the Rector of the Democritus University of Thrace, Mr. Fotios Maris; and the President of the Association of Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Utilities in Kavala, Mr. Apostolos Chronis.

Distinguished scientists and water management experts attended the conference to analyze water reuse as an alternative source for various applications, emphasizing its critical role in addressing water scarcity. The speakers of the event were: Ms. Lola Lymberopoulou, Director of European and International Projects at EPLO; Mr. Ioannis Katsogiannis, Director of the Institute for Sustainable Water Management and Water Law at EPLO; Ms. Dimitra Lampropoulou, Professor at the Department of Chemistry at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Mr. Georgios Kyzas, Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry at Democritus University of Thrace; and Ms. Athanasia Tolkou, postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Chemistry at Democritus University of Thrace.

The urgent need for immediate preventive measures was emphasized, considering the increasingly severe summer crop threats each year.

This event is part of a series of planned actions within the framework of the Water Rethink project that aim to highlight and analyze the impact of water scarcity and to raise public awareness on this issue.

For more information on the Water Rethink project, please visit the project website:

Mr. Ioannis Katsogiannis, Director of the Institute for Sustainable Water Management and Water Law at EPLO
Ms. Lola Lymberopoulou, Director of European and International Projects at EPLO

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