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Furthermore, in 29 and 30 May 2023 two trainings were organized at the EPLO premises for public authorities
           (judiciaries, ministries, prosecutors), Law Enforcement Agents (LEAs), like policy officers, and members of Civil
           Society Organizations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) active in the field of combating hate
           crime and hate speech. During the training, the participants familiarized themselves with advanced & tailor-made
           tools developed within the frame of the project, while also using Virtual Reality technology.

           The BENEVICT Project
           2022 ongoing

           The BENEVICT project started in the first semester of 2022 and is focused on the implementation of the  EU
           Directive 2012/29/EU which comprises strategies for the support, rights and the protection of victims of crime, in
           many member states (Greece included).
           The VRDiGiJust; Digitalizing Justice through Virtual Reality Training
           December 2022 ongoing

           The VRDiGiJust (Digitalizing Justice through Virtual Reality Training)
           started in December 2022 and will last for three years. In December
           2022,  the  ICCJ  participated  in  the  kick-off  meeting  in  Venice.  A
           capacity building activity was organised on 25 May 2023 at the EPLO
           premises on “New Technologies in Justice” with the participation of
           Greek Judges and Prosecutors. The training focused on the Virtual
           Reality Education and the use of the Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)
           by  the  Criminal  Justice  Professionals.  A  network  of  judges  and   VRDiGiJust Poject at the EPLO premises at the
           prosecutors  trained  in  the  new  technologies  in  Greece  was   Roman Agora, 25 May 2023
           established from the participants.

           Circular Economy & Climate Change Institute


           Mission and People

                                                           The  Circular  Economy  and  Climate  Change  Institute
                                                           (EPLO/CC),  established  in  October  2019,  aims  to
                                                           promote circular and sustainable practices, mainstream
                                                           circular economy in all policy areas and conduct climate
                                                           and environmental diplomacy. President and Member
                                                           of  the  Board  of  the  EPLO:  George  Kremlis,  Director:
                                                           Ioannis  Mardikis,  Business  Development  Manager:
           Alexia Spyridonidou. The Institute is supported by a broad interdisciplinary team of experts as well as its scientific
           board members, comprising prominent academics from all over the world.

           Through its activities EPLO/CC contributes to major environmental policies and initiatives such as the EU Green
           Deal and the EU Circular Economy Strategy, the EU Strategy for Sustainable Tourism, the EC Missions: Adaptation
           to Climate Change, 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030, Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030, a Soil
           Deal for Europe, the UN Urban Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals, and others.

           Featured Projects

           During this year, the Circular Economy and Climate Change Institute made important steps towards realizing its
           mission, by adding to its extensive portfolio three strategic projects of the Horizon Europe, Interreg Euro-Med
           and Interreg Adrion programmes. Alongside the other new and ongoing projects (mostly EU-funded), the Institute
           has been focusing on different aspects of sustainability and circularity, promoting policy transformations, research
           and innovation, and ultimately cross-border and territorial cooperation.

                                [New] “DesirMED - Demonstration and mainstrEaming of nature-based Solutions for
                                clImate  Resilient  transformation  in  the  MEDiterranean”  (Horizon  Europe  –  Mission
                                CLIMA):  DesirMED’s  is  the  most  recent  success  of  the  Institute.  It  is  a  strategically
           positioned project for promoting Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Europe. Its main objective is to strengthen
           knowledge  and  capabilities  of  Med  regions  and  communities  to  take  leadership  and  ownership  in  their
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