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BioMed AI Summer School with the Academy of Athens

           12-16 June 2023

           The Institute co-organized the BioMed AI Summer School with the Academy of
           Athens in June 2023, an initiative that highlights the expertise of the Institute
           and  its  partnerships  with  high-level  institutions,  such  as  the  prestigious
           Academy of Athens. The summer school opened with a half-day event at the
           Academy of Athens premises where a networking cocktail was also organized.
           The summer school was attended by thirty-five international professionals and
           covered a wide range of topics relating to sustainable research, ESG and AI in

           Sustainability Academy for the Growthfund

           The Institute has been creating and delivering ESG and Sustainability Training   BioMed Al Summer School with the
                                                                               Academy of Athens
           Courses for Growthfund, the National Fund of Greece, and its subsidiaries
           since  2022.  In  2023, the  Institute  and  Verimpact, the ESG  assessment  and
           training firm, created the  first online, asynchronous learning platform, called Sustainability Academy, a new
           initiative of the National Fund of Greece.
           The Academy’s purpose is to provide employees of the Growth fund and its 18 subsidiaries with the necessary
           training and tools to understand ESG and sustainability issues and implement ESG in their work. Through the online
           courses in the asynchronous learning platform, the Academy is able to reach a greater number of employees,
           allowing them to learn at their own pace and using any device. The ESG and sustainability modules have been
           designed  to  be  interactive  and  engaging,  providing  employees  with  a  comprehensive  understanding  of
           sustainability and ESG issues and their importance in reporting and in decision-making.

            Launch of the Sustainability Academy for the National Fund of Greece and its subsidiaries

           Upon  completion  of  the  courses,  employees  received  a  certificate,  as  recognition  of  their  hard  work  and
           commitment to sustainability. This initiative aims at creating a common culture of sustainability in the Growthfund
           companies, which is essential towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and understanding the
           regulatory context of ESG.

           Coastal Pro EU-funded project on up-skilling in blue careers
           September 2023

           The  Institute  is  a  partner  in  the  upcoming  Coastal  Pro  EU-funded  project  on  upskilling  in  blue  careers  that
           commences. Via this program, the Institute will be training tourism professionals in sustainability, circularity, ESG
           and the blue economy, fields the Institute for Sustainable Development has expertise in.
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