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BLUE GREENWAY events: several activities took place in all project countries in order to engage stakeholders in
           co-creation processes and promote the BLUE GREENWAY solutions (e-procurement platform). EPLO/CC attended
           Living Labs and Open Day Events in Romania, Cyprus and Norway, while it organized the Greek Living Lab in Larissa,
           Thessaly, in collaboration with local stakeholders.

           Asphalt Art festival Kessariani, Athens: citizens of all ages and especially children gathered to celebrate the public
           space transformations that took place in the framework of the project, with the aim to bring art in public spaces
           and improve road safety and inclusion. It was an exciting day full of colors, smiles and music that attracted the
           attention of many citizens, and of other cities in Greece and abroad, as well as the media!

                (From left to right): CRESCENTO meeting in Milan | BLUEGREENWAY meeting in Trondheim | Asphalt Art Festival
           Participation in external & partner events
           An important part of EPLO/CC’s advocacy and networking strategy includes attending external local, national and
           international esteemed events that focus on promoting the green, digital and just transition. During the last years,
           it has established its presence in the Conference of the Parties (COP), the Davos Convention and the Delphi
           Economic Forum. Beyond these events, EPLO/CC participated in and contributed to the works of (indicative list):
           the 6  Southeast Europe Energy Forum, Global Sustainability Conference 2022, East Med & Southeast Europe
           Conference  (part  of  DEF),  Greening  the Islands Observatory Summit,  Regional Growth  Greece,  SEAFUTURE
           biannual Conference, Forward Green Expo, the Balkans & Black Sea Forum – Executive Round Table 2023 and
           many more. Beyond the Conferences, EPLO/CC members contributed to the works of the Espoo Convention (Mr.
           George Kremlis) and the Expert Group on Urban Mobility of the EC (Ms. Alexia Spyridonidou).

                (From left to right): EPLO/CC in DEF (G. Kremlis) | SEAFUTURE (A. Spyridonidou) | Sofia Economic Forum (G. Kremlis)


           EPLO/CC  members  have  contributed  to  the  following  publications  in  the  framework  of  collaborating  and
            1.  Kapsomenakis, J. et al., (2022). Climate change threats to cultural and natural heritage UNESCO sites in the
               Mediterranean. Accessible at: Springer, Environment, Development and Sustainability.
               (Contributor: G. Kremlis)
            2.  Integrating Mobility Management for public and private organizations into Sustainable Urban Mobility
               Plans (SUMPs): Reviewed by DG MOVE. Accessible at: Eltis Urban Mobility Observatory Topic Guide section
               (2023) (contributor: A. Spyridonidou)
            3.  White paper on Sustainable Finance under the coordination of the Greek Ministry of Finance. To be released.
               (Contributors: A. Spyridonidou, G. Kremlis)

           Alliances and collaborations - stronger together

           EPLO/CC continuous advocacy efforts established it as a recognized stakeholder within key-communities of the
           climate  change,  climate  adaptation  and  climate  mitigation  ecosystem.  Some  key-highlights  include  (in
           chronological order) the:

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