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Institute on Crime and Criminal Justice (ICCJ)

                                                      The Institute on Crime and Criminal Justice (ICCJ) of the EPLO
                                                      was established in November 2020. The mission of the Institute
                                                      on  Crime  and  Criminal  Justice  focuses  on  promoting  study,
                                                      research,  consulting,  training  and  policy-oriented  work  to
                                                      crime-related  studies  and  criminal  justice  policies  at  the
                                                      national, European and international level. The specific fields
                                                      of interest of the Institute on Crime and Criminal Justice are
                                                      human  rights,  criminal  justice  policies,  criminology,
                                                      victimology, security, civil society and social issues.
           The ICCJ implemented research and awareness activities and participated in many project proposals submitted
           under EU calls for funding. The Director of the ICCJ Professor Vasiliki Artinopoulou was re-elected as Member of
           the Subcommittee on the Prevention of Tortures (SPT), a UN Treaty Body for a new term 2023-2027. Since
           February 2023 she was appointed as the Head of the European Regional Team of the Treaty Body.

           Four projects have been approved for funding in which the EPLO ICCJ is a full partner:

           Infovictims III Project Partners’ Meeting in Athens
           15 November 2021

           INFOVICTIMS III project concluded in December 2022. The project aimed at assisting victims of crime, especially
           vulnerable victims such as women and children, by providing information on their rights and support services
           available  to them. The project was funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Justice and
           Consumers.  A  website  and  application  to  inform  the  crime  victims  in  Greece  on  their  rights  in  the  criminal
           proceedings, and also printed material (guide on the victims’ rights, brochure, etc.) were delivered from EPLO to
           the Greek Police.
           The National Conference organized in December 1  at the EPLO premises presented the Infovictims Website for
           Greece (, the Mobile Application and the Infovictims Brochure, in Greek and English.

                                                           These  tools  provide  simple  and  clear  information  to
                                                           victims about their rights, ways to exercise them, how to
                                                           report  a  crime,  the  numerous  services  available  in
                                                           Greece for support and protection of victims, and other
                                                           useful  resources.  The  National  Conference  brought
                                                           together  prominent  representatives  of  the  Hellenic
                                                           Government,  in  particular Mr.  P.  Theodorikakos,  the
                                                           then  Minister  of  Citizen  Protection,  and  Ms.  M.
                                                           Syrengela, the then Deputy Minister of Labor and Social
                                                           Affairs, responsible for Demographic and Family Policy
                                                           and Gender Equality, Non-Governmental Organizations,
                                                           experts and policy makers.

           INFOVICTIMS III project: National Conference at the EPLO premises

           “STAND UP” Project: Meeting of the 3  Steering Committee in Athens
           4 May 2023

                                                           The  ‘STAND-UP’  is  a  project  on  combating  hate
                                                           crime/hate  speech in Europe  with the collaboration of
                                                           seven  project  partners  (among  which  EPLO)  and  six
                                                           countries  involved.  The  Steering  Committee  of  the
                                                           project was held at the EPLO premises.

                                                           In September 2022, the ICCJ participated in the project’s
                                                           seminar  “Against  Hate  Crime”  at  the  European
                                                           Parliament  in  Brussels  and  the  Director  Prof.
                                                           Artinopoulou presented the Legal and Ethical Guidelines
                                                           on the use of the new technologies in the criminal justice
           STAND UP Project 3  Steering Committee Meeting at the
           EPLO premises
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