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- Signature of an MoU between the EPLO/CC, the Circular Economy Alliance (CEA) and the Circular Economy
           Research Center (CERC).
           - Signature of an MoU between the Dialogue4Tourism and the Community4Tourism projects, where over 50
           organizations join forces for enhancing environmental action in the Mediterranean through sustainable tourism,
           under the auspices of Interreg Euro-MED program.
           - EPLO being unanimously awarded the Observer Status at the Espoo Convention and the SEA Protocol – UNECE
           on  13  June  in  Geneva,  is  considered  as  a  major  achievement,  with  the  Institute  leading  this  process.  More
           information can be found on the EPLO website.

           Lastly,  EPLO/CC  members  have  been  actively  involved  in  several  committees  and  communities  of  strategic
           interest. Mr. G. Kremlis maintained his positions as Chair of the Bureau under the Espoo Convention, Member of
           the Environmental and Social Advisory Council of the EBRD, and Chair of the Global Initiative for protecting natural
           and  cultural  heritage  from  climate  change  impacts  (Hellenic  Republic,  UNFCCC,  UNESCO,  WMO).  Ms.  Alexia
           Spyridonidou became member of the Expert Group on Urban Mobility (EGUM) of the European Commission (2-
           year mandate), as well as Ambassador for Diversity in Transport (an EC initiative). Both Mr. George Kremlis and
           Ms. Alexia Spyridonidou have been included in the working group of the Greek Ministry of Finance with the task
           of developing a White Paper on Sustainable Finance.

             Featured collaborations of EPLO/CC in 2022-23

           European Institute of Management and Governance

                                                        The European Institute of Management was created with the
                                                        vision to become the center of excellence in management
                                                        development, consulting and policy research.

                                                        EIMG’s Director Ms. Vasiliki Moustakatou participates as a
                                                        Key Expert in the capacity building activities in the program
                                                        “Support to the Institute of Public Administration of Jordan”
                                                        that is assigned to EPLO, as project leading organization, in
           partnership  with  the  Italian  School  of  Public  Administration  (SNA),  by  the  Italian  Agency  for  Development
           Cooperation, Amman office (AICS Amman). The project is run by EPLO’s Technical Co-operation department.
           •  EIMG  continued  to  implement  the  asynchronous  theoretical  program  with  practical  training  for  public
               administration staff that it had developed in 2022, with the title: “Development of four (4) key leadership
               skills for successfully assuming and maintaining a position of responsibility in the public sector”. During the
               reporting period another five cycles of the program were completed.
           •  EIMG promotes the design and organization of customized scientific-technical support/training activities for
               staff of Greek and international organizations and agencies, in close cooperation with their top management
               and other EPLO units.

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