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           The Department of Technical Cooperation of the EPLO is responsible for designing, developing and implementing
           all the technical cooperation activities of the Organization.

           The technical cooperation activities of the EPLO assist governments, public bodies and institutions around the
           world in advancing reforms in a wide range of public law and governance areas. The main areas of intervention
           comprise:  justice  and  the  rule  of  law,  including  criminal  and  civil  justice  reform,  access  to  justice  and  law
           enforcement; human rights, including the rights of women, children, migrants and other vulnerable groups; public
           administration reform; good governance and anti-corruption; private sector development; trade and intellectual
           property law; environment and sustainable development.

           Within this framework, the EPLO carries out diverse actions and services, such as providing technical advice to
           governments for legislative and policy reforms, specialized training and capacity building for civil servants and
           practitioners, reorganization and modernization of public institutions, empowerment of civil society organizations,
           policy-oriented research, raising public awareness and dissemination activities. In 25 years of existence, the EPLO
           has implemented over 300 technical cooperation projects in more than 70 countries.

           During the past year, the Department has managed a portfolio of twenty-four (24) projects. Twenty-one (21)
           projects are funded by the European Union, one (1) project is funded by the Italian Government, one (1) by EEA
           and Norway Grants and one (1) project by Greek funds for an overall value of over twenty million Euros. The
           geographical scope of the projects includes all EU Member States, Albania, Kosovo, Kenya, Liberia, Serbia, Jordan
           as well as the Euromed region as a whole.

           The following is a brief overview of the concluded, ongoing and new projects.
           Concluded projects
           1.  EU Support for Intellectual Property Rights System in Kosovo
           Donor: European Commission, DG International Cooperation and Development EuropeAid
           Duration: 40 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective: To strengthen the capacities of Kosovo’s institutions in charge of developing and enforcing Intellectual
           Property Rights (IPR), and to fully align Kosovo’s legislation on IPR with the EU acquis.

                              EPLO assists in strengthening the Intellectual Property Rights system in Kosovo

           2.  Provision of Training Services for Criminal Justice Practitioners within the Framework of the EuroMed Justice
           Duration: 23 months
           EPLO role: Partner

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