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b) Migration Summer School: “Migration and Asylum in Times of Crises”
           In collaboration with Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC)
           24-30 July 2023
           For a seventh year in a row, the ELGS ran the Migration Summer School (MIGSS). This successful 7-day summer
           school ran in English is designed and developed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of

           Field trip at Schisto refugee camp - Team of 2022
           issues regarding policies of integration of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Europe, especially in the
           shadow of the ongoing war in Ukraine. Both migration and asylum issues are central topics in national and global
           governance. The rise in the number of international migrants has been unrelenting over the last twenty years,
           reaching 281 million people living outside their country of origin in 2022 (United Nations, 2022).

           This program offers participants insights into migration in these special circumstances (pandemics) stressing its
           relevance for a worldwide discussion on migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. This year’s program also included
                                                               the  field  trips  condition  which  enhanced
                                                               participants’ experience in the field.

                                                               In  this  week-long  course  academics  and  experts
                                                               from  European  and  International  Universities,
                                                               Institutes and research centers participated. More
                                                               -     Maurizio Ambrosini, Professor, University of
                                                               Milan, Italy.
                                                               -     Eva  Duda,  Assistant  Professor  University  of
                                                               Wroclaw, Poland.
                                                               -     Massoud   Sharifi,   Associate   Lecturer,
                                                               Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
                                                               -     Bernd  Parusel,  Senior  Researcher,  Swedish
                                                               Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS).
                                                               -     Wenjing  Guo,  Anthropologist,  Researcher,
                                                               Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.
                                                               -     Athanasios  Vitsentzatos,  Director  of  Social
                                                               Integration, Ministry of Migration and Asylum.
                                                               -     Triantafillia Ipsaralexi, Ministry of Migration
                                                               and Asylum, Greece.
                                                               -     Eugenia  Kopsidi,  ELGS  Resident  Lecturer,
                                                               EPLO/ELGS, Greece.
                                                               -     Lénárd  Sándor,  Associate  Professor,  Károli
                                                               University, Hungary.
           Cultural  Visit at the Hellenic Parliament  - Team of 2023   -   Omar  Sayfo,  Associate  Professor,  Károli
                                                               University, Hungary.
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