P. 37

such results; key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and
           future interventions.

           7.  Ex-post Evaluation for the EU Trust Fund Regional Development and Protection Programme in Kenya:
               Support to the Development of Kalobeyei and Mid-term evaluation Enhancing Self-reliance for refugees
               and host communities in Kenya; Turkana and Garissa Counties
           Donor: EU
           Duration: 8 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective: To assess the Action using the five standard DAC evaluation criteria, namely: relevance, effectiveness,
           efficiency, sustainability and perspectives of impact. In addition, the evaluation will take into account one specific
           EU evaluation criterion: the EU added value (the extent to which the Intervention brings additional benefits to
           what would have resulted from Member States’ interventions only).

           Ongoing projects

           8.  Innovative Solutions for Improving the Environmental Status of Eutrophic and Anoxic Coastal Ecosystems
               - BLUE-GREENWAY
           Donor: EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation
           Duration: 39 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective: To provide innovative solutions for sustainable environmental management of eutrophic and anoxic
           coastal  ecosystems  (EACEs),  by  increasing  knowledge-sharing  between  Academia  and  PAs  to  improve  the
           environmental  status  of  ecosystems,  and  building  the  capacities  of  SMEs  and  farmers  for  comprehensive
           sustainable water/wastewater management.

           9.  Support to EU integration process in Albania
           Donor: EU
           Duration: 58 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective: The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the Government of Albania to
           successfully manage the overall EU integration process and effectively conduct the Stabilization and Association
           Agreement process and accession negotiations.

           10.  Framework Contract for the Supply of Impact Assessment, Evaluation and Evaluation-Related Studies
           Donor: European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers
           Duration: 48 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective: To provide timely and evidence-based impact assessment, evaluation and evaluation-related services
           that will be carried out in the policy areas under the responsibility of DG Justice and Consumers.

           11.  Framework Contract for the Implementation of External Aid 2018 - Lot 3: Human Rights, Democracy and
           Donor: European Commission, DG International Cooperation and Development EuropeAid
           Duration: 66 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective: To provide expertise which can be mobilized at short notice for the implementation of European Union
           External Aid, in the sectors of Human Rights, Democracy and Peace.

           12.  aRTIFICIAL iNTELLIGENCE for the Deaf
           Donor: EU, Horizon Programme
           Duration: 25 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective: To offer a comprehensive suite of solutions catering to deaf people communication needs, and more
           specifically to implement application pilots of immense practical importance that will be evaluated by the end-

           13.  STAND UP: Standing up against hate in the EU
           Donor: European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers
           Duration: 24 months
           EPLO role: Partner

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