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New projects

           17.  VR-DigiJust - Digitalising Justice via Combined Virtual Reality Training
           Donor: EU, DG Justice and Consumers
           Duration: 36 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective: VR-DigiJust contributes to the effective and coherent application of specific EU judicial cooperation
           instruments at regional level through a decentralized cross-border and cross-professional training strategy in the
           framework of the Council Conclusions 6926/21.

           18.  Aid formulation Liberia 2023
           Donor: EU, EUD to Liberia
           Duration: 9 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective:  The  overall  objective  of  this  project  is  to  strengthen  the  programming  and  formulation  of  EU
           cooperation in Liberia in order to achieve human development through background studies, analysis and other
           technical inputs in view of programming actions that are sound and transformative.

           19.  RINSE “Research and Information Sharing on freezing and confiscation orders in European Union”
           Donor: EU, DG Justice & Consumers
           Duration: 36 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective: The main objective of the project is to foster the mutual recognition of the decisions of EU member
           states  regarding  the  seizure  and  confiscation  of  assets  by  enhancing  knowledge,  competences  and  skills  of
           judiciary professionals and other key players involved in the Multi-Phase Asset Recovery process in line with the
           priorities of the EU provisions - Regulation 2018/1805 and Directive 2014/42.

           20.  Climate Adaptation Dimension of investments in Greece – Legal and institutional gap assessment
           Donor: EU, EIB
           Duration: 6 months
           EPLO role: Partner
           Objective: The overall objective of this project is to support the Greek government in the operational aspect of
           the national legal framework for enabling climate adaptation investments by undertaking a high-level legal and
           institutional gap assessment. The gap assessment shall include concrete and actionable recommendations on how
           climate adaptation considerations can be better integrated into the public investment management function at
           national level.

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