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           Mission to the UN in New York

           The EPLO Mission to the United Nations represents EPLO and serves as the EPLO delegation to the United Nations
           headquarters in New York. The Mission seeks to promote the values of peace, human rights, solidarity and the
           rule of law around the globe and in a fruitful dialogue of cultures. Following the resolution A/73/462 “Observer
           status  for  the  European  Public  Law  Organization  in  the  General  Assembly”  –  adopted  unanimously  on  1
           November 2018 – the EPLO was invited to participate in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly. EPLO’s
           appointment to Observer Status was the outcome of a long process initiated under the aegis of Portugal. The
           Permanent Mission of EPLO to the UN is headed by Permanent Representative and Ambassador Barbara Faedda,
           Ph.D., who presented her credentials to UN Secretary-General António Guterres on 21 May 2019.
           The 77  General Assembly was again held in presence and EPLO was able to attend the proceedings in person.
           However, the United Nations still maintained a hybrid format and similarly EPLO’s Mission organized events both
           in person and online.

           On 10 October 2022 - Sixth Committee of the General Assembly of the UN, Mr. Luca CM Melchionna, Esq., EPLO’s
           legal counselor, took the floor during the 9  meeting of the General Assembly to present EPLO’s “Global Rule of
           Law Initiative, the establishment of the Global Rule of Law Commission”. The statement is available in the US
           Audiovisual library at this address from minutes 1:26:05 to 1:29:58.

           On 14 November 2022, following the EPLO Global Rule of Law Initiative, launched in 2019, organized an event, as
           mentioned before, sponsored by the Permanent Representations of Greece, Italy, Mozambique and Portugal to
           the United Nations - for the presentation of the Global Rule of Law Commission, available to all the nations to
           provide, if asked, advice and expertise on issues of Rule of Law.
           With reference to the ECOSOC application - In February 2023, it has been closed for apparently not fulfilling the
           eligibility requirements.

           Roundtable discussion on the complex relationship between people and the rule of law
           19 April 2023

                                                                 The EPLO co-sponsored the roundtable discussion
                                                                 “People, Rule of Law and Supreme Courts Now”,
                                                                 held at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies,
                                                                 Columbia  University.  Four  constitutional  court
                                                                 judges - Giuliano Amato, former President of the
                                                                 Italian Constitutional Court, Susanne Baer, Judge
                                                                 of  the Federal Constitutional  Court of Germany,
                                                                 Stephen G. Breyer, retired Associate Justice of the
                                                                 Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States,  and  Ana
                                                                 Maria  Guerra  Martins,  Judge  of  the  European
                                                                 Court of Human Rights and former Judge of the
                                                                 Constitutional Court of Portugal - reflected on the
                                                                 present  and  future  of  the  complex  relationship
           Ms. Barbara Faedda, the Permanent Observer for the EPLO to the UN,   between people and the rule of law, which has a
           at the roundtable discussion “People, Rule of Law and Supreme Courts   direct  effect  on  every  person.  Moderator  was
           Now”                                                  Jessica Bulman-Pozen, Betts Professor of Law at
           Columbia Law School. The event was organized, opened and closed by Ambassador Barbara Faedda, Ph.D., in her
           double capacity as permanent observer of the EPLO to the United Nations and Executive Director of the Italian
           Academy. In his welcome remarks, EPLO Director Professor Spyridon Flogaitis explained EPLO’s long interest in
           the  rule  of  law  and  the  many  initiatives  in  this  regard.  For  this  distinguished  group  of  speakers  -  the  most
           authoritative  and  competent  legal  minds  of  their  countries  -  Columbia’s  students  and  professors,  as  well  as
           diplomats from the United Nations filled the Italian Academy’s splendid Neo-Renaissance Theater.

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