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Cascais Regional Branch, Portugal

           The Regional Branch of EPLO in Portugal (Cascais) has undertaken various activities, during its second year of
           actual operation, to fulfill its mandate of promoting Portugal, and especially Cascais, as an international center for
           education, research, and international cooperation in its field of competencies. According to its goals, the Regional
           Branch has actively and substantially supported some of the most significant events of this current year, including
           dealing with the daily issues after relevant liaison communications with the State Protocol of the Ministry of
           Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Municipality of Cascais.

           Inaugural Ceremony of the EPLO Global Rule of Law Commission in Portugal (Cascais)
           10 January 2023

           The Regional Branch provided full support in the organization of the inaugural ceremony of the EPLO Global Rule
           of Law Commission (GRoLC) that took place at the Casa de Santa Maria premises of the EPLO Branch in Cascais.
           Professor  Spyridon  Flogaitis,  EPLO  Director,  addressed  an  introductory  speech  referring  to  the  official
           announcement of the GRoLC at the UN, on 14 November 2022, and to its mission. His speech was followed by a
           welcome address from Dr. Tiago Antunes, Secretary of State for European Affairs, who highlighted the notion of
           the Rule of Law. Moreover, Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares, Under-Secretary-General and Legal Counsel of the United
           Nations, welcomed the new Commission and further committed that the UN’s legal system will support its work.
           Before  concluding  the  ceremony,  which  was  open  to  the  public  and  the  press,  Professor  Spyridon  Flogaitis
           addressed a speech on behalf of Professor Giuliano Amato, Former President of the Constitutional Court, Former
           Prime Minister of Italy, and President of the GRoLC, who could not attend the ceremony in person. The EPLO
           GRoLC operates from the EPLO Headquarters in Cascais and is scheduled to meet twice a year, with one meeting
           taking place in Cascais and the second meeting being held in any other country that extends an invitation for the
           Commission to convene there.

           Professor Spyridon Flogaitis                      GRoLC’s inaugural ceremony

           First Meeting of the EPLO Global Rule of Law Commission in Portugal (Cascais)

           Following the inaugural ceremony, during the 10  and 11  of January 2023, the kick-off meeting of the EPLO
           GRoLC was held at the Sala do Futuro.

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