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Mission to the UN in Geneva

           EPLO is an observer Organization in the UN and other organizations in Geneva. Its diverse Geneva Office activities
           involve extensive engagement with:

           - The deliberations and sessions of the Human Rights Council (HRC) addressing the multifaceted challenges and
           geopolitical  tensions  facing  an  interconnected  world.  Over  fifty  reports  and  political  analysis  papers  were
           submitted about the most salient political and other issues which the Council debated and took action on during
           its regular and special sessions.

           - “Think Tanks” and “Foundations” (Kofi Annan Foundation (KAF) and the Geneva Center) holding panel-type
           events,  addressing  global  challenges,  promoting  democracy,  and  enhancing  international  cooperation. Such
           events constitute a platform for high-level inclusive dialogues for diplomats, experts, academics, and Civil Society

           Discussion on Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa
           24 October 2022

                                                                         Along  these  lines, a  very  successful
                                                                         panel  event  was  organized,  under  the
                                                                         aegis of the EPLO Geneva Office and Kofi
                                                                         Annan  Foundation,  on  “Democracy  in
                                                                         Sub-Saharan      Africa:    Trends,
                                                                         opportunities, challenges, and threats”
                                                                         at the Palais des Nations, Geneva. In the
                                                                         aftermath  of  the  event,  Ambassador
                                                                         George  Papadatos  met  with  the
                                                                         Ambassador  Clara  Manuela  Da  Luz
                                                                         Delogado Jesus of Cape Verde and the
                                                                         Minister of Justice H.E. Joana Amado. A
                                                                         number    of   cooperative   schemes
                                                                         between  EPLO  and  Cape  Verde  were
                                                                         suggested.  The  Minister  responded  by
                                                                         inviting  the  EPLO  Director,  Professor
           Spyridon Flogaitis, to Cape Verde to discuss further modalities and the scope of such cooperation.

           - African ambassadors, NGOs, and other Civil Society representatives. The Head of the Geneva office was invited
           to participate as a panelist due to his consistent record defending democracy in Africa and promoting ideas for
           “transitional governments” to return to constitutional democracy. Over forty “side events” were attended during
           the 2022-2023 sessions of the Human Rights Council (HRC).

                                                              - The SCLA (Swiss Chinese Law Association) Geneva,
                                                              Headquarters  for  the  purpose  of  organizing  a  joint
                                                              panel event.
                                                                -Makaila  N’guebla,  diplomatic  advisor  of  the
                                                              President  of  Chad  Mahamat  Déby,  who,  since  20
                                                              April 2021, took power in a military coup following
                                                              the death of his father, President Idriss Déby. Amb.
                                                              George  Papadatos,  Ph.D.,  met  twice  with  Makaila
                                                              N’guebla  who  mentioned that President  Déby was
                                                              keen to institutionalize reforms and return Chad to a
                                                              constitutional democracy. The second meeting took
                                                              place  with  Mikaila  N’guebla  and  the  Minister  of
           EPLO Sub- Saharan Africa Event 2022-20_22          Information  Mahamad  Zene  Cherif.  An  idea  that
           gained ground was for the President of Chad Mahamat Déby to visit the EPLO Headquarters and establish a
           cooperative relationship with the Organization for the purpose of implementing institutional reforms and drawing
           a roadmap for returning Chad to democracy. Discussions were disrupted, however, due to developments in Sudan.

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