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           EPLO is awarded the Observer Status at the Espoo Convention and the SEA Protocol - UNECE
           13 June 2023

                                  The Working Group of the Espoo Convention and the SEA Protocol has unanimously
                                  agreed on granting to the EPLO an observer status. The EPLO will therefore be able to
                                  attend the WG meetings and the Meetings of the Parties (MOPs), as well as any other
                                  meetings or events organized by any of these two UNECE (UN Economic Commission
                                  for Europe) Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
                                  UNECE  has  negotiated  five  environmental  conventions,  also  known  as  multilateral
                                  environmental agreements or MEAs. The Espoo Convention and the Sea Protocol are
                                  among them. The Espoo (EIA) Convention is a key instrument for bringing together all
                                  stakeholders to notify and consult each other on all major projects under consideration
           that might have adverse environmental impacts across borders in order to prevent environmental damage before
           it occurs.

           Reform of the Protocol and Liaison Office – New Chief
           7 April 2023

           The Executive Committee has decided to reform and expand the remit of the Organization’s “Protocol and Liaison
           Office” and rename it to “International Affairs, Protocol and Liaison Office”. It was further placed under a Chief
           directly depending from the EPLO Director. As mentioned in the amended text, all matters of international affairs
           and  protocol  related  issues  pertaining  to  the  EPLO  and  its  Director  in  particular,  shall  be  dealt  with  by  the
           aforementioned Office. The Executive Committee further proceeded with the appointment of Ambassador (ret.)
           Panos Kalogeropoulos as Chief of the International Affairs, Protocol and Liaison Office of the Executive Office of
           the Director.

           Memoranda of Understanding & Agreements

           The Mediterranean Programme for International Environmental Law and Negotiation
           (MEPIELAN) signed an MOU with EPLO
           30 December 2022

                                   The Mediterranean Programme for International Environmental Law and Negotiation
                                   (MEPIELAN) is an international scientific, research and educational Non-Profit Civil
                                   Organization (INGO), represented by its Founding and Executive Director, Evangelos
                                   Raftopoulos, Professor of International Law and International Environmental Law,
                                   Panteion University  of  Athens,  signed  an  MOU with the  EPLO  represented  by  its
                                   Director Professor Spyridon Flogaitis. The Parties shall work for the realization of
                                   joint  projects,  activities  and  training  programs.  Cooperation  extends  to  the
                                   production  of publications  and  European  research  and  academic  networking
           Sierra Leone government signs MoU with EPLO
           11 February 2023

                                                 The  government  of  Sierra  Leone  through  the  Minister  of
                                                 Development and Economic Planning Dr Francis Kai-Kai, has signed
                                                 a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  (MoU)  with  the  EPLO  at  a
                                                 ceremony  which  took  place  at  the  La  Plaza  Hotel  in  Brussels,
                                                 Belgium. The aim of the EPLO MOU is to promote universal values
                                                 through  Law  and  Governance  and  cooperation  activities  with
                                                 particular emphasis on further development and enrichment of the
                                                 public goals and institutions of Sierra Leone in the best interest of its
                                                 People. The government of Sierra Leone, committed to Education
                                                 and the Rule of Law, wishes to collaborate with the EPLO to promote
                                                  education,  research,  training  and  institution  building  in  every
            Sierra Leone government signs MOU with EPLO
                                                  aspect  of  public  life  where  the  need  will  be  prioritized  by  the

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