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Members of the EPLO Global Rule of Law Commission in Portugal (Cascais)

           Second Meeting of the EPLO Global Rule of Law Commission in Portugal (Cascais)

           Additionally, the EPLO Regional Branch provided full support and organization for the Commision’s 2  meeting
           which was held in Cascais, on the 24  and 25  of July 2023, at the Sala do Futuro. The meeting also received
           valuable logistical support, including accommodations and catering from the Municipality of Cascais.
           Institute of the Global Rule of Law

           In the framework of the establishment of the GRoLC, the EPLO introduced the Institute of the Global Rule of Law.
           The Institute not only supports the Commission's activities and actions, particularly in the preparation of its Rule
                                     of Law Report but also plays a pivotal role in promoting educational activities in
                                     Portugal. As part of the Institute’s establishment, a new position, the Director of the
                                     Global Rule  of Law Institute, was created and assigned to  Ms. Teresa Violante,
                                     Research Fellow at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Visiting
                                     Research  Fellow  at  Max-Planck-Institut  für  ausländisches  öffentliches Recht  und

                                     The Regional Branch of EPLO in Cascais has been instrumental in the organization
                                     of the work of the Institute of the Global Rule of Law, especially during its initial
                                     phase. The Regional Branch held the responsibility and played a significant role in
           the preliminary research and groundwork necessary for the preparation of the Global Rule of Law Commission’s
           annual Rule of Law Report and also for the development of a Master’s degree in the Global Rule of Law. This
           Master’s program, which aligns with the Regional Branch’s mission to foster educational activities, will be offered
           in Cascais by the Institute of the Global Rule of Law in cooperation with EPLO’s European Law and Governance
           School – ELGS.

           Workshop of the Mediterranean Migration and Asylum Hub (MedMA), the New EPLO Agency on
           “The Impact of Lawyering on Migration and Asylum Policies: Rethinking our legal strategies”.
           6-7 July 2023

                                   Finally,  for  this  current  year,  the  Cascais  Regional  Branch  actively  supported  the
                                   organization of the high-level workshop hosted by the Mediterranean Migration and
                                   Asylum Hub (MedMA) regarding “The Impact of Lawyering on Migration and Asylum
                                   Policies: Rethinking our legal strategies”. The workshop took place at the Casa de
                                   Santa Maria, for the necessities of which the Municipality of Cascais kindly provided
           exclusive access.

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