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Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy signs MoU with EPLO
            05 September 2023

           The EPLO signed an MoU with the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice. The agreement will foster cooperation
           between the two institutions involved, through  educational and academic exchanges The signing of the
           Memorandum took place in the Aula Baratto, at Ca’ Foscari Venice in presence of the Rector of Ca’ Foscari,
           Professor Tiziana Lippiello, the Deputy Pro-Rector Antonio Marcomini and the Pro-Rector for International
           Relations and International Cooperation, Fabrizio Marrella. Representing the EPLO was Professor Spyridon
           Flogaitis, Director of the Organization.

           Other MoUs-Agreements of Cooperation

           Federal University of Minas Gerais - ELGS         ELSA Greece – EPLO
           March 2023

           University of Ca Foscari, Venezia, Italy          Hennadii Udovenko Diplomatic Academy,
           - EPLO                                            Ukraine - EPLO
           December 2022                                     September 2022

           Resource, Environment and Climate Association (REC)       Thessaloniki Chamber of
           -REI Institute of EPLO                                    Handicrafts – EPLΟ
           May 2023                                                                                                       March 2023

           New Institutes have joined the EPLO

               -   Institute of Sustainable Water Management and Water Law
               -   European Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System
               -   Mediterranean Asylum and Migration Policy Hub Agency
               -   Institute of the Global Rule of Law

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