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20-21 June 2023
           Fifth          intersessional
           consultation  of  the  Ad  Hoc
           Committee  to  Elaborate  a
           Comprehensive  International
           Convention on Countering the
           Use   of   Information   and
           Communications  Technologies
           for Criminal Purposes.

           21 August-6 September 2023
           Sixth  session  of  the  Ad  Hoc
           Committee  to  Elaborate  a
           Comprehensive  International
           Convention on Countering the
           Use   of   Information   and
           Communications  Technologies
           for Criminal Purposes.

           The first Scientific Colloquium Teaching Organized Crime and Anti-Corruption issues in South-
           Eastern Europe
           21-22 October 2022
                                                           The “Scientific Colloquium Teaching Organized Crime”
                                                           was jointly organized and hosted by EPLO and the Global
                                                           Initiative  Against  Transnational  Organized  Crime  (GI-
                                                           TOC) and the Panteion University’s European Centre for
                                                           Criminal Justice, in partnership with the South Eastern
                                                           Europe  Academic  Anti-Corruption  Network  and  the
                                                           Balkan Criminology Group. The event, which took place
                                                           at  the  EPLO  premises  at  the  Roman  Agora  in  Athens,
                                                           brought  together  over  80  representatives  from
                                                           international  organizations,  Greek  judiciary  and  the
                                                           Government (in addition to the National Transparency
                                                           Authority),  and  South-Eastern  Europe  universities,  to
                                                           discuss  how  to  teach  organized  crime  and  anti-
                                                           corruption issues in the region.
                                                           The event’s objectives were to provide a forum for the
                                                           exchange  of  views  and  experiences  in  teaching  these
                                                           subject areas, and to share instruments and resources
                                                           created  by  international  organizations.  Professor
                                                           Spyridon Flogaitis, Director of the EPLO, addressed the
                                                           event’s opening remarks.
                                                           The  GI-TOC  presented  the  Global  Organized  Crime
                                                           Index,  the  Western  Balkans  Anti-corruption  Pledge
                                                           Monitor  and  its  academic  engagement  efforts.
                                                           Representatives of the United Nations Office on Drugs
                                                           and Crime shared their organized crime, corruption and
                                                           integrity teaching modules and manuals; Transparency
                                                           International  presented  the  Corruption  Perception
                                                           Index;  and  the  International  Anti-Corruption  Academy
                                                           outlined  their  Master’s  degree  courses  on  anti-
                                                           corruption. The event provided academics from South-
                                                             Eastern  Europe,  namely  Albania,  Bosnia  and
                         Athens Colloquium Group             Herzegovina,  Bulgaria,  Cyprus,  Greece,  Kosovo,
           Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, with the opportunity to present their organized crime and corruption
           courses to stakeholders and students from the region. Along with networking opportunities and the strengthening
           of professional relationships, the event contributed to the exchange of information and exposed the younger
           generation to learning opportunities available in the region and those offered by international organizations. The
           event was convened in memory of Dimitri Vlassis, former Chief of the Corruption and Economic Crime Branch,
           United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, who passed away in April 2019.
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