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Regional Branch in South Caucasus, Georgia

           Research and Education

           - In March 2023, the Branch released a comprehensive research paper: “Evolution of the Supranationalism of the
                               European  Union”  based  on  “L’Europe  face  au  fédéralisme”  by  a  French  scholar  and
                               politician of Georgian origin Michel Mouskhely (Mikheil Muskhelishvili; 1903-1964). The
                               work of Michel Mouskhely which was published back in 1949 offers unique ideas for legal
                               and institutional set-ups for the future Union using elements of the classic Federalism.

                               The presentation of the research took place at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

                               -  In  2022-2023  the  Branch  successfully  continued  its
                               “Scholarship  program”  for  the  Georgian  civil  service
                               representatives.  23  officials  from  the  Parliament  of
                               Georgia,  the  Ministry  of  Justice,  the  Ministry  of
           Education  and  Science  of  Georgia,  the  Government  of  the  Abkhazian
           Autonomous  Republic  and  Ivane  Javakhishvili  Tbilisi  State  University  were
           enrolled  in  order  to  earn  Master´s  degrees  in  European  Law  and  European
           Governance of the EPLO.

           - The Branch created a set of “Awareness Raising Program” for Georgian civil
           servants. The first such program was offered to the apparatus of the Government
           of the Abkhazian Autonomous Republic in 2022. In June 2023, 26 Georgian civil
           servants of the same institution enrolled for the second cycle of the program: “EU Enlargement, EU membership
           criteria, EU accession trajectory, stages, legal and administrative aspects”.

           Two other similar programs, namely: “The EU Law-making and EU legal system” and “EU regional policies toward
           its European neighborhood after the 2004 enlargement”, have been created by the Branch and are addressed to
           other state institutions, as well as local professional and social groups.

           - In 2022 the Branch drafted a new awareness-raising Program for secondary school students - “Bring Europe into
           Your Classroom”. Currently, the Branch is working with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia for
           introducing such program in Georgian public schools.

           Strengthening the European Values and Principles

                                            -  The  Branch  was  quite  active  in  disseminating  a  high-professional  and
                                            competent  information  about  the  European  Union,  European  Law  and
                                            inter-institutional relations, and various European policies. To this end, the
                                            Branch  established  fruitful  partnership  with  the  EU-NATO  information
                                            center of the MFA of Georgia.
                                            -  In  May  2023,  the  two  organizations  launched  their  first  Intensive
                                            Interactive  Awareness  Raising  Program  for  civil  servants  in  regional
                                            municipalities. The project “EU’s unique Institutional and administrative
                                            arrangement,  EU  accession  criteria,  legal  aspects  of  the  EU  accession,
                                            trajectory  and  stages”  offered  interactive  lecturing  session,  practical
                                            simulation exercises and tests. Currently, the partner organizations work
                                            on a more comprehensive project in order to extend the successful pilot-
                                            project to various regions of Georgia.
                                            On 20 March 2023, the Branch, in pursuing its objectives, actively worked
                                            with the local and international mass-media. To this end, the Euronews-
                                            Georgia  interview  with  the  Director  of  the  Branch  Amb.  Ioseb
                                            Nanobashvili was released. Comments by the Georgian public broadcaster
                                            TV shows have to be mentioned as well.

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