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Institute  for  Global  Health  Emergencies  Response


                                                       The Institute for Global Health Emergencies Response (IGHER)
                                                       has been established with Decision of 19 November 2021, and
                                                       it has its seat at the EPLO Headquarters in Rome. The aim of
                                                       IGHER is to promote the research, development of studies,
                                                       opinions,  education  and  training  in  the  field  of  health
                                                       emergencies of a global or multinational dimension.
                                                       The  Director  of  IGHER  is  Matteo  Gnes,  full  Professor  of
           Administrative Law and Deputy Dean of the Law Department of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy).

           The field of interest of the IGHER includes the study and research of situations characterized as global and/or
           international health emergencies with the aim to identify the instruments to be used for their management, the
           models of public communication, the best practices used both at legislative and administrative level.

           The members of the Advisory Council are: Antonio Bartolini, full Professor of Administrative Law, University of
           Perugia, Italy,  Martina Conticelli, full Professor of  Administrative  Law, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy,
           Yiannis Drossos, Professor Emeritus of  Constitutional Law, Law School of  Athens University, Greece,  Pascale
           Gonod, full Professor of Public Law, Sorbonne Law School, University of Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne, France,
           Sanja Krestalica, Assistant Professor in Public International Law and EU law at the Faculty of Law, The University
           of East Sarajevo, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Elisenda Malaret García, full Professor of Administrative law, Universidad de
           Barcelona, Spain, Elisa Scotti, full professor, Administrative Law, University of Macerata, Italy, and Director of the
           Master  in  Administrative  sciences  and  Innovation  in  public  administration  of  the  Universities  of  Urbino  and

                                                     Publication editing: Journal “Legal Policy Pandemics”

                                                     In 2022, IGHER cooperated with the Global pandemic Network
                                                     – GPN in editing Volume 2, Issue 1 of the Journal “Legal Policy
                                                     Pandemics”, where the reports of the Fourth Global Webinar of
                                                     GPN, held on 7 June 2022, on the topic of “Health Care Systems
                                                     facing COVID-19” have been published.

           International Conference on the Emergency Powers in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic
           25 October 2022

                                                                               On 25 October 2022, the Director
                                                                               of  IGHER,  Professor  Matteo
                                                                               Gnes, participated, together with
                                                                               the  Director  of  EPLO,  Professor
                                                                               Spyridon   Flogaitis,   to   the
                                                                               international   conference   on
                                                                               “Emergency powers in the light
                                                                               of  the  Covid-19  pandemic  and
                                                                               other global crisis”, organized by
                                                                               Miskolc  University  and  Ferenc
                                                                               Mádl  Institute  of  Comparative
                                                                               Law, in Miskolc (Hungary).

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