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REI - Regional Environmental Institute

                                                  The Institute operates as a think tank, an excellence hub, a platform
                                                  for new thinking and as a generator for actions and projects on
                                                  issues related to Environment and Climate Change. The mission of
                                                  REI is to assist in addressing environmental issues mainly in Central
                                                  and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean, through the promotion
                                                  of   cooperation   among   non-governmental   organizations,
                                                  governments, businesses, and other environmental stakeholders,
                                                  as well as the free exchange of information and public participation
           in  environmental  decision-making.  The  strategic  goal  of  REI  is  to  assist  beneficiary  countries  in  solving
           environmental problems through: (1) the implementation of projects (research and development, policy upgrade
           and implementation, technical assistance, and capacity building projects, etc.), and (2) education. REI is directed
           by Dr. Dejan Komatina, Strategic Director, and Dr. Rade Glomazic, Executive Director.

           Following the establishment of REI in November 2021 and initial activities performed until August 2022, the
           reporting year (September 2022-August 2023) saw the completion in setting up the institute, through:
           -   Completion of the network of REI units, consisting of 8 country units (in the six economies of the Western
               Balkans, Bulgaria, and Türkiye), and a regional unit for Central and Western Asia,
           -   Appointment of REI’s Country and Regional Directors (from each country unit and regional unit), to ensure
               REI’s permanent presence in beneficiary countries/regions,
           -   Appointment of REI’s Director for Business Development and Director for Project Implementation, to ensure
               a high quality, continuity, and consistency of REI’s operations,
           -   Establishment of the Advisory Council of REI, to support creating the Institute’s strategy and programs of
               activities, and executing its operations,
           -   Preparation of a database of project references and individual expert profiles of REI’s units,
           -   Development of rules regulating the cooperation of REI’s units and operations of the network, and
           -   Drafting of a Corporate Identity Guideline of REI.

           In parallel, the Institute has screened:
           -   Potential funding sources: To build REI's financial sustainability, a series of discussions and bilateral talks were
               initiated, including with the German GIZ, regarding the possibilities for creating a funding framework at the
               regional level, specifically for the Western Balkan region.
           -   Opportunities for partnerships with institutions from donor countries: REI has started discussions with the
               Finnish Innovation Forum regarding REI’s participation in the organization of the World Circular Economy
               Forum for the Western Balkans region, and with the IMPEL network, regarding REI’s observer status in this
               organization; Concrete steps have been defined with the Finnish Water Forum towards a joint organization
               of  activities  in  the  Western  Balkans  and  Türkiye;  Communication  has  been  established  with  leading  TA
               companies in order to present REI’s potential as a leading TA capacity provider in the field of environment and
               climate change, in its target region.
           -   Project opportunities, initiatives, and processes for the potential engagement of REI: Preparation of a plan for
               the  involvement  of the  Institute  in donor  funded  activities  has  been  initiated  by  the  recently  appointed
               Country and Regional Directors and Business Development Director of REI.

           European Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal

           Justice System

                                                  The European Institute for Criminal Law and the Criminal Justice
                                                  System  is  a  late  addition  to  EPLO’s  broad  range  of  Institutes.  It
                                                  brings together leading scholars to explore central issues in classical
                                                  criminal law doctrine as well as the philosophical foundations of the
                                                  criminal law. In particular, it is concerned with the doctrinal and
                                                  philosophical  analysis  of  contemporary  problems  in  European
                                                  criminal law and the law of individual European states (including the
           UK). To this end, the Institute runs workshops and conferences. Furthermore, its statute foresees the possibility
           that  the  Institute  will,  in  the  near  future,  offer  a  taught  postgraduate  degree.  The  Institute  operates  as  an
           autonomous unit of EPLO under the responsibility of its Director and Scientific Council. The Scientific Council
           includes twenty-one scholars of international reputation, from many different European jurisdictions, specializing

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