P. 42

American women marked by the overturning of Roe v. Wade; and on the difficulties that individuals face in
               Georgia from a practical point of view in the administrative offense proceedings.

           •  Central and Eastern European Legal Studies, 2/2022. This CEELS issue on “War and
               Peace in Europe – Legal and Economic Issues of Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine and
               the Impacts of the War” is a special issue edited under the directorship of Professor Dr.
               Carmen Plaza, Dr. Alevtyna Sanchenko, and Professor Volodymyr Ustymenko.

           It provides for the start of scientific discussion and elaboration of promising ideas on setting
           the problems of survival and development of Ukraine with the help of and together with
           European countries within the broad reform agenda, and on preventing a recurrence of any
           war in future, as pointed out in the Introductory Remarks by V. Ustymenko and A. Sanchenko.
           The issue echoes the thoughts of renowned Scholars and Researchers who live and work on
           the front line of this horrid conflict and work for prestigious institutions such as the Valentyn Mamutov Institute
           of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and different Universities. Their
           articles  reflect  on  some  of  the  core  legal  problems  and  challenges  that  this  war  arises:  from  human  rights
           protection to social, economic, and environmental impact of the Russian aggression and the war, and the recovery
           expectations of the Ukrainian people. An essential and common element of all the articles, as emphasized in the
           Foreword  by  C.  Plaza  and  A.  Sanchenko,  is  that,  though  they  assess  the  devastating  impacts  of  the  Russian
           aggression against Ukraine from different points of view, all of them focus on legal and economic instruments to
           speed up the recovery of Ukraine from the bounds of the war.

                                        EUROPEAN PUBLIC LAW SERIES (EPLS)
           The European Public Law Series has had the pleasure to publish:
           •  Juli Ponce (Ed.), Nudging’s Contributions to Good Governance and Good Administration – Legal Nudges
               in Public and Private Sectors, (with: Foreword by Ismael Peña-López, Preliminary Considerations by
               Cass R. Sunstein, Afterword by Ricardo Rivero Ortega), European Public Law Series / Bibliothèque de
               Droit Public Européen, vol. CXXVI, European Public Law Organization (EPLO), Athens, 372 pp., 2022

           The  relationship  among  behavioral  insights,  law  and  other  sciences  and  public
           administrations  is  an  exciting  and  (not  so)  new  field  of  academic  work  and  practical
           applications all around Europe and the world. There are still few publications on the topic
           from  a  legal  point  of  view  in  Europe  and  even  less  works  including  a  transdisciplinary
           perspective. The interest is continuously increasing thanks to the use of nudges against the
           Pandemic and several Nobel Prizes in Economy in the last years which have been awarded
           in  relation  to  this  issue.  This  book  deals  with  the  relationship  between  Law  and  other
           sciences (Economy, Linguistics and Political Science, especially) and behavioral insights in
           order to make effective the right to good administration and have a good governance. It
           considers  how  different  nudges  can  improve  the  functioning  of  public  administrations  in  an  effective  and
           unexpensive way, preventing corruption and maladministration. It also analyzes how nudging could lead to a
           better  regulation  of  private  sector  in  several  fields,  improving  compliance  through  a  less  intrusive  public
           intervention that respects the principle of proportionality.

           •  Bertrand Mathieu, Law versus Democracy?, (transl.), European Public Law Series / Bibliothèque de
               Droit Public Européen, vol. CXXVII, European Public Law Organization (EPLO), Athens, 204 pp., 2023

           While  law  is  inseparable  from  the  construction  of  democracy,  to  such  an  extent  that
           democracy and the rule of law are confused, the main idea of this book is to show that law
           can also stand against democracy. The figure of a people inscribed within borders and sharing
           a common destiny has been inseparable from the construction of a democratic system. These
           constitutive elements of the State crumble. The existence of non-state legal systems obeying
           other  legitimacies,  the  development  of  individualism  and  communitarianism,  the
           degradation  of  fundamental  rights  into  moralism,  the  weakening  of  the  political  power,
           challenged, in particular, by the power of judges, the loss of the effectiveness of the concept
           of  general  interest,  the  challenges  of  radical  and  political  Islamism,  are  threats  of
           disaggregation. If liberal democracy, which has been a Western model of government, is
           worthy of being saved, it is necessary to clarify the competences of the States and to empower the People again
           with the tools that allow them to express themselves. The French edition of this book has also been translated
           into Hungarian, Russian and Spanish.

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