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EPLO Board of Directors Meeting 2022
           8 September 2022

           With the presence of representatives of States, Universities, Public Authorities and International Organizations –
           Members of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) – the annual meeting of the EPLO Board of Directors
           took place a day before the EGPL Annual Reunion, on Thursday 8, at the EPLO premises in Sounion, Greece.

           International  Conference  on  the  Rule  of  Law  after  the  Pandemic,  by  the  Faculty  of  Law  Titu
           Maiorescu University Bucharest
           11 October 2022

           Based on the success of this first event, the initial co-organizers,the Faculty of Law of Titu Maiorescu University
           and  the  European  Public  Law  Organization,  together  with  Salvador  de  Maradiaga  University,  Institute  of
           European Studies – University of A Coruña, held a follow-up conference titled “International Conference on the
           Rule of Law after the Pandemic”, to assess the transformations in this field in the challenging times that the global
           community is facing since 2020. Indeed, some of the most important voices of European Public Law honored the
           invitation and debated on the probably most influential political and legal concept of our times.

           International Conference on the National Constitutional Heritage and European Integration
           8 November 2022

                                                  The Brussels Office of the Foundation for a Civic Hungary together
                                                  with Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
                                                  and  the  EPLO  organized  an  international conference  titled
                                                  “National constitutional heritage and European integration: From
                                                  the Aranybulla (Hungarian Magna Carta, 1222) to the European
                                                  Values”,  at  the  Hotel  Sofitel  Brussels  Europe,  discussing the
                                                  significance of national constitutions and heritage in the European
                                                  integration. On the occasion of the 800  Anniversary of Hungary’s
                                                  emblematic  regulation,  Professors  of  law  and  Members  of  the
                                                  European  Parliament  from  all  over  Europe  were  invited to
                                                  exchange  views  on  the  relevance  of  national  constitutions,
                                                  traditions, and values for the future of Europe.

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