P. 20

EPLO welcomes and strongly supports UNESCO's decision for Odessa
           31 January 2023

                                                                    The EPLO - as one of strong supporters of the
                                                                    concept  -  welcomes  the  World  Heritage
                                                                    Committee´s decision to inscribe the Historic
                                                                    Center  of  Odessa  (Ukraine)  on  the  World
                                                                    Heritage List.
                                                                    This  decision  recognizes  the  outstanding
                                                                    universal value of the site and the duty of all
                                                                    humanity to protect it. The EPLO through its
                                                                    Circular  Economy  and  Climate  Change
                                                                    Institute  has  put  a  lot  of  emphasis  on
                                                                    promoting the  legitimate  request  of  Ukraine
                                                                    and  the  historic  city  of  Odessa  to  be
                                                                    proclaimed as a World Heritage Site and is very
                                                                    happy that this request has been successfully
                                                                           Odessa, Ukraine

           EPLO, as an International Organization since July 2022 promoted this legitimate request of Ukraine and of the city
           of Odessa, standing by it, and offering to provide any support that was needed towards this end. The EPLO had
           initiated its activities in the area through an Office established there.

           The Crown Prince of Jordan and Deputy Prime Minister visited Training Programs for Civil Servants
             supported by EPLO Project
             23 February 2023

                                    The Crown Prince of Jordan, His Highness Prince Al-Hussein, and the Deputy Prime
                                    Minister for Economic Affairs and Minister of State for Modernization of the Public
                                    Sector, Mr. Nasser Sherida, visited the Institute of Public Administration of Jordan as
                                    it launched the initiative “Enhancing the Capabilities of Public Sector Workers in the
                                    Areas of Public Administration”.
                                    The Institute of Public Administration of Jordan (IPA) is the institution responsible for
                                    designing and implementing the training policy for the Civil Service in Jordan. The
                                    initiative “Enhancing the Capabilities of Public Sector Workers in the Areas of Public
                                    Administration” is being carried out by the IPA with the assistance of the Project
                                    “Support to the Institute of Public Administration of Jordan”, funded by the Italian
                                                                              Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the
                                                                              Italian  Agency  for  Development
                                                                              Cooperation and implemented by
                                                                              the   European   Public   Law
                                                                              Organization  (EPLO).  Under  this
                                                                              initiative, the IPA is organizing and
                                                                              delivering  a  series  of  specialized
                                                                              training  programs  aiming  to
                                                                              enhance  the  capacities  of  1.500
                                                                              Civil  Servants  in  the  areas  of
                                                                              Project  Management,  Managerial
                                                                              Skills and Service Delivery. During
                                                                              the  visit,  the  Crown  Prince  Al-
                                                                              Hussein  met  with  a  number  of
                                                                              trainers  and  participants  and
                                                                              visited  the  modern  training
           The Crown Prince of Jordan, His Highness Prince Al-Hussein visits the Institute of Public   facilities   of   the   Institute.
           Administration in Jordan                                           Addressing  the  attendees,  the
           Crown Prince Al-Hussein stressed the importance of training and developing the performance of public sector
           employees in order to increase the efficiency of the Public Administration and the quality of services to citizens,
           pointing to the key role played by the IPA.

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