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The Commission operates from the EPLO’s Regional Branch in Cascais, Portugal and is assisted by the Institute of
           the Global Rule of Law.
           EPLO announces the GLOBAL RULE OF LAW COMMISSION at the United Nations
           14 November 2022

           A side event for the Commission’s presentation, sponsored by the Permanent Representations of Greece, Italy,
           Mozambique and Portugal to the United Nations took place in conference room 7 at the UN Headquarters in
                                                         New York.
                                                         The  event  was  welcomed  by  Mr  Miguel  de  Serpa
                                                         Soares, Under-Secretary-General   for   Legal   Affairs
                                                         and United   Nations   Legal   Counsel   and    by
                                                         Ambassador Maria  Theofilie,  Permanent  Observer  of
                                                         Greece  to  the  United  Nations,  Ambassador  Maurizio
                                                         Massari, Permanent Representative of Italy to the United
                                                         Nations,  Ambassador  Ana  Paula  Zacarias, Permanent
                                                         Representative of Portugal to the United Nations and Mr
                                                         Omar     Remane,     Sixth   Committee     delegate
                                                         for Mozambique. The event was chaired and moderated by
                                                         Ambassador Barbara Faedda, Permanent Observer of the
                                                         EPLO to the United Nations NYC.
                                                         The  audience  was  also  addressed  by  Ms  Teresa
                                                         Violante, Director of the newly established Institute of the
                                                         Global  Rule  of  Law  and by  Professor  Spyridon  Flogaitis,
                                                         EPLO Director.
             Global rule of law, EPLO, United Nations New York

           1 working session – GRoLC kick-off meeting
           10-11 January 2023

           Following the inaugural ceremony, the first meeting of the EPLO GRoLC was held at the Sala do Futuro, provided
           by the Municipality of Cascais in its main building at the center of Cascais. During the two-day meeting, the EPLO

                              First meeting of the EPLO Global Rule of Law Commission in Portugal (Cascais)

           GRoLC  analyzed  in  depth  its  thematic  scope,  method,  and  organization  of  work,  under  the  chairmanship  of
           President Giuliano Amato (connected via Zoom from Rome).

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