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The Global Rule of Law Commission

           Under the aegis of H.E. The President of the Portuguese Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
           The EPLO, having among its aims the promotion of public law and governance worldwide, in cooperation with the
           United Nations system, established the Global Rule of Law Commission (GRoLC), as a part of the Global Rule of
           Law Initiative, launched in 2019 at the UN Headquarters. The aim is to develop a comprehensive Global concept
           of the Rule of Law concerning UN Universal Values and Diversity. If requested, the Commission shall be available
           to all the nations to provide advice and expertise on Rule of Law issues.

                         EPLO GLOBAL RULE OF LAW COMMISSION during the 2  Meeting at Cascais, 24-25 July 2023
           In these cases, the Commission aims to discuss with the relevant State authorities how the Rule of Law is applied
           in their countries, the limits within which variations can reasonably depend on cultural differences, and the limits
           beyond which such variations go beyond the accepted common ground. The Commission will produce an annual
           report on the Rule of Law, officially presented yearly at the Sixth Committee of the UN General Assembly.

           The GRoLC  comprises  of  20  personalities from  around  the world  according  to the  principle  of  geographical
           representation and is chaired by Giuliano Amato, former President of the Constitutional Court of Italy and former
           Prime Minister of Italy. The members appointed by the Board of Directors of the EPLO are as follows: seven from
           the Western European and Others Group – Marco D’Alberti, Justice of the Constitutional Court of  Italy, Full
           Professor, La Sapienza, Rome Italy; Ana M. Guerra Martins, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights and Full
           Professor at the Law School of the University of Lisbon, Portugal; Luis María Díez-Picazo, Judge of the Supreme
           Court of Spain, David Feldman, Emeritus Professor at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, Spyridon
           Flogaitis,  EPLO  Director,  Emeritus  Professor  at  the  National  and  Kapodistrian  University  of  Athens,  Greece,
           Wojciech Sadurski, Challis Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Sydney, Australia and Professor at the
           Centre for Europe at the University of Warsaw, Republic of Poland, and Andreas Mavroyiannis, Ambassador (ad
           hon.), Member of the UN International Law Commission, Republic of Cyprus; two from the Eastern European
           Group – Josip Brkić, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Mikheil
           Sarjveladze,  Member  of  the  Parliament  of  Georgia  and  Chairman  of  the  Human  Rights  and  Civil  Integration
           Committee; two from the Asian Group – Pan-Suk Kim, Professor Emeritus at Yonsei University in South Korea,
           International Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration in Washington DC, Commission Member of
           the International Civil Service Commission of the United Nations, and Vishnu Varunyou, Vice President of the
           Supreme  Administrative  Court  of  the  Kingdom  of  Thailand;  four  from  the  African  Group  –  Carlos  Feijó, Full
           Professor of Law at the University of Agostinho Neto in Angola, Jorge Carlos Fonseca, former President of Cape
           Verde, Raychelle Omamo, Ambassador - former Cabinet Secretary/Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kenya,
           and Lúcia da Luz Ribeiro, President of the Constitutional Court of Mozambique and Professor at the Law Faculty
           of Eduardo Mondlane University; four from Latin and Central America and the Pacific – Allan Brewer-Carías,
           Emeritus Professor at the Central University of Venezuela, President Laura Chinchilla, former President of Costa
           Rica, Vice President of World Leadership Alliance – Club De Madrid, President of the Analítica Consultores, Gilmar
           Mendes, Justice of the Supreme Court of Brazil, and Marisol Peña Torres, former President of the Constitutional
           Court of Chile and Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Their office is honorary and discretionary.

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