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Additionally,  the  newly  appointed  Dean  of  the
                                                                  European Law and Governance School, Judge and
                                                                  Professor  Luis  María  Díez-Picazo,  provided  a
                                                                  lecture  on  Comparative  Constitutional  Law,  on
                                                                  the practice of supreme courts in referring to the
                                                                  judgements  of  international  human  rights’
                                                                  There was also some time for getting acquainted
                                                                  with the  Greek  culture,  as students  visited  the
                                                                  Acropolis, the Supreme Court/Areios Pagos, the
           theater of Dionysus, but also the Changing of the Guard in front of the Parliament and of course, experiencing the
           Greek hospitality and traditional Greek cuisine.
           In May 2023, a seminar took place in the form of a roundtable discussion on Artificial Intelligence and its latest
           developments, involving many specialists working in the field. In this one-day interactive seminar, the panelists
           were able to exchange views and ideas on these issues. The roundtable discussion organized by the EPLO Institute
           for Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (IRPI) directed by Dr. Prodromos Tsiavos and Ms. Dorottya Haraszti
           produced a report summarizing the basic insights of the discussion.

           ELGS Open Webinar: “New challenges in teaching and researching comparative law” co-organized
           with the IS-GEA of the University Luigi Vanvitelli of Caserta, Italy
           19 May 2023

           An  open  lecture  on  “New  challenges  in  teaching  and  researching  comparative  law”  took  place  online  co-
           organized with the IS-GEA (Istituto di Studi Giuridici Euro-Asiatici) of the University Luigi Vanvitelli of Caserta,
           Italy,  gathering reputable  scholars  and  practitioners  to  debate  over  the  most  crucial  issues  in  teaching  and
           researching in comparative Law, both private and public. The introductory session was undertaken by the ELGS
           Dean, Professor Luis María Díez-Picazo and the discussion was moderated by Assoc. Prof. Valentina Rita Scotti,

           X Scientific Conference on “Contradictions of the Contemporary Law”
           On the occasion of the day of the Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo
           November 2022

           In November 2022, the ELGS Resident Faculty participated in the activities of the X Scientific Conference on the
           occasion of the day of the Faculty of Law, “Contradictions of the Contemporary Law”, on the comprehensive
           theme “Law between Creation and Interpretation” organized in Pale (Bosnia & Herzegovina) by the University of
           East Sarajevo in cooperation with EPLO, the Institute for Comparative Law, the Serbian Association for Criminal
           Legal  Theory  and  Practice,  the  Serbian  Fiscal  Society  and  the  Institute  of  Criminological  and  Sociological
           Research. In the framework of our cooperation agreement and following the invitation extended by the Dean of
           the Faculty of Law of the University of East Sarajevo, Mr. Goran Marković, five of the ELGS Resident Lecturers (Dr.
           Eugenia Kopsidi, Dr. Nikolas Voulgaris, Assoc. Prof. Valentina Rita-Scotti, Dr. Giulia Aravantinou-Leonidi and Dr.
           Panagiotis Doudonis), delivered online guest lectures and submitted their abstracts to be published.

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