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Financial crisis and social rights- Lecture by Jean-Bernard AubyThe 12th of the International Lecture Series “Manuel Chrysoloras”, under the title “Does the  nancial crisisoblige us to change our social rights?” (“La crise nous oblige-t-elle à changer nos droits publics?”), took place on Monday, May 29, 2015 at the premises of the EPLO, in the center of Athens.Jean-Bernard Auby, Professor of Public Law at the Sciences Po University (Paris) and Director of the Chair “Mutations of Public Action and Public Law”, was the guest speaker.“Public law is the “key” to private property, the rule of law and human rights. And during this time, it is put in test in many European Union countries, and within Greece in particular - due to the economic crisis. Does it adapt to the repeated structural changes? And if yes until when? What are the limits?”.Sir Richard J. Evans on migration flowsFor the 13th of the International Lecture Series “Manuel Chrysoloras”, Professor Sir RichardJ. Evans, an internationally renowned scholar and historian, well known to the Greek people by his books, was invited to Athens by the EPLO to give a speech on the timely topic “Migration, Population Transfer and ‘Ethnic Cleansing” in Europe in the 20th and 21st centuries”.The interesting lecture took place on April13, 2016 at the new premise of the EPLO in the Plaka district of Athens and was about the history of migration  ows toINTERNATIONALLECTURESERIESEVENTSThe EPLO established the Manuel Chrysoloras International Lecture Series in2001, honoring Manuel Chrysoloras (1350- 1415), the Greek scholar credited with spreading Greek literature in the West during the Middle Ages, today viewed as the symbol of the Hellenic contribution to the revival of European culture.The lectures take place once a year at the EPLO headquarters in Athens.122ACTIIVIITY REPORT 20116MANUEL CHRYSOLORAS

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