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EVENTSRoundtable of international significance in BelarusΑn international roundtable under the theme “Interaction between national and supranational bodiesof interstate formations” which was organized on December 17, 2015 by the Faculty of the Belarusian State University in Minsk, Belarus, was held under the auspices of the EPLO and the FMSH (Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme).The roundtable explored the interaction of national and supranational legal systems in the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, with a special focus on judicial bodies in both regions.The Welcome speech was providedby Professor Sergei Balashenko, Dean of the Department of Law of the Belarusian State University (Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme).Speeches were also providedby Professor Grigory A. Vasilevich, holder of the Chair of Constitutional Law ofTwo types of Science: Two forms of life?The distinction between natural and social sciences in modern universities but also in thesecondary education in the form of practical and theoretical directions and what might this mean for our everyday life was the subject of a workshop organized by the EPLO on Monday, March 21, 2016 at its premise in Kolonaki, Athens.The title of the workshop was "Two typesof Science: Two forms of life?" and the audience, composed mostly of academics and jurists, participated lively to the questions raised by the main speakers who were: Theodoros Georgiou, Professor of Political Philosophy at the Democritus University ofthe Faculty of Law, State University of Belarus, by Bertrand Mathieu, Professor at Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Vice- President of the International Association of Constitutional Law, President of the Council of Representatives of the European Law and Governance School (ELGS) and Member of the European Group of Public Law, which serves as the Scienti c Council of the EPLO, and by Jean-Pierre Massias, Professor, President of the Varenne University Institute, Counselor of the President of the Varenne Foundation.Thrace, Xenophon Mousas, Professor of Astronomy at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens and the moderator Konstantinos Dimitrakopoulos, Professorof Logic at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens and President of the Greek Philosophical Society.128 ACTIVITY REPORT 2016