Page 12 - eplo 2016
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Countries, International Organizations, Public AuthoritiesBOARD OF DIRECTORSThe signatorypowersThe signatory powers recognizedthe importance of public law and the need to further promote its scientific, research, educational, trainingand institution building dimensions12 ACTIVITY REPORT 2016The EPLO was created as an international organization with suitable governance, full international legal personality and status, upon the initiative of the Hellenic Republic, by the “Agreement for the Establishment and Statute of the European Public Law Organization”, signed by several powers on October 27, 2004. The creation of the EPLO became effective in 2007. At this time 15 Countries, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, 4 Public Authorities and 63 Universities/Institutions are members.The signatory powers recognized the importance of public law and the need to further promoteits scientific, research, educational, training, institution building and other dimensions for a better generation of lawyers and democratic institutions worldwide, and the promotion of European values through public law throughout the world.The Agreement for the Establishment and Statute of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) remains open for adhesion by other powers.Presence of the EPLO in more than70 countries